email_confirmed) ? $this->email_confirmed : $this->pass_salt . $this->name; $hash = md5(strtolower(trim($subject))); $url = '' . $hash . '?s=' . $size . '&d=retro'; return $url; } public function getSetting($key) { $settings = json_decode($this->settings, true); return isset($settings[$key]) ? $settings[$key] : null; } public function setSetting($key, $value) { $settings = json_decode($this->settings, true); $settings[$key] = $value; $settings = json_encode($settings); if (strlen($settings) > 200) throw new SimpleException('Too much data'); $this->settings = $settings; } const SETTING_SAFETY = 1; const SETTING_ENDLESS_SCROLLING = 2; public function hasEnabledSafety($safety) { $all = $this->getSetting(self::SETTING_SAFETY); if (!$all) return $safety == PostSafety::Safe; return $all & PostSafety::toFlag($safety); } public function enableSafety($safety, $enabled) { $all = $this->getSetting(self::SETTING_SAFETY); if (!$all) $all = PostSafety::toFlag(PostSafety::Safe); $new = $all; if (!$enabled) { $new &= ~PostSafety::toFlag($safety); if (!$new) $new = PostSafety::toFlag(PostSafety::Safe); } else { $new |= PostSafety::toFlag($safety); } $this->setSetting(self::SETTING_SAFETY, $new); } public function hasEnabledEndlessScrolling() { $ret = $this->getSetting(self::SETTING_ENDLESS_SCROLLING); if ($ret === null) $ret = \Chibi\Registry::getConfig()->browsing->endlessScrollingDefault; return $ret; } public function enableEndlessScrolling($enabled) { $this->setSetting(self::SETTING_ENDLESS_SCROLLING, $enabled ? 1 : 0); } public static function validateUserName($userName) { $userName = trim($userName); $dbUser = R::findOne(self::getTableName(), 'LOWER(name) = LOWER(?)', [$userName]); if ($dbUser !== null) { if (!$dbUser->email_confirmed and \Chibi\Registry::getConfig()->registration->needEmailForRegistering) throw new SimpleException('User with this name is already registered and awaits e-mail confirmation'); if (!$dbUser->staff_confirmed and \Chibi\Registry::getConfig()->registration->staffActivation) throw new SimpleException('User with this name is already registered and awaits staff confirmation'); throw new SimpleException('User with this name is already registered'); } $userNameMinLength = intval(\Chibi\Registry::getConfig()->registration->userNameMinLength); $userNameMaxLength = intval(\Chibi\Registry::getConfig()->registration->userNameMaxLength); $userNameRegex = \Chibi\Registry::getConfig()->registration->userNameRegex; if (strlen($userName) < $userNameMinLength) throw new SimpleException(sprintf('User name must have at least %d characters', $userNameMinLength)); if (strlen($userName) > $userNameMaxLength) throw new SimpleException(sprintf('User name must have at most %d characters', $userNameMaxLength)); if (!preg_match($userNameRegex, $userName)) throw new SimpleException('User name contains invalid characters'); return $userName; } public static function validatePassword($password) { $passMinLength = intval(\Chibi\Registry::getConfig()->registration->passMinLength); $passRegex = \Chibi\Registry::getConfig()->registration->passRegex; if (strlen($password) < $passMinLength) throw new SimpleException(sprintf('Password must have at least %d characters', $passMinLength)); if (!preg_match($passRegex, $password)) throw new SimpleException('Password contains invalid characters'); return $password; } public static function validateEmail($email) { $email = trim($email); if (!empty($email) and !TextHelper::isValidEmail($email)) throw new SimpleException('E-mail address appears to be invalid'); return $email; } public static function validateAccessRank($accessRank) { $accessRank = intval($accessRank); if (!in_array($accessRank, AccessRank::getAll())) throw new SimpleException('Invalid access rank type "' . $accessRank . '"'); if ($accessRank == AccessRank::Nobody) throw new SimpleException('Cannot set special accesss rank "' . $accessRank . '"'); return $accessRank; } public static function hashPassword($pass, $salt2) { $salt1 = \Chibi\Registry::getConfig()->main->salt; return sha1($salt1 . $salt2 . $pass); } public static function getTableName() { return 'user'; } public static function getQueryBuilder() { return 'Model_User_QueryBuilder'; } }