simple = $simple; $this->no_markup = true; $this->span_gamut += ['doSpoilers' => 71]; $this->span_gamut += ['doSearchPermalinks' => 72]; $this->span_gamut += ['doStrike' => 6]; $this->span_gamut += ['doUsers' => 7]; $this->span_gamut += ['doPosts' => 8]; $this->span_gamut += ['doTags' => 9]; $this->span_gamut += ['doAutoLinks2' => 29]; //fix italics/bold in the middle of sentence $prop = ['em_relist', 'strong_relist', 'em_strong_relist']; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i ++) { $this->{$prop[$i]}[''] = '(?:(?{$prop[$i]}[str_repeat('*', $i + 1)] = '(?<=\S|^)(?{$prop[$i]}[str_repeat('_', $i + 1)] = '(?<=\S|^)(?simple) { $text = preg_replace('/\A\n+|\n+\z/', '', $text); $grafs = preg_split('/\n{2,}/', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($grafs as $key => $value) { if (!preg_match('/^B\x1A[0-9]+B$/', $value)) { $value = $this->runSpanGamut($value); $grafs[$key] = $this->unhash($value); } else { $grafs[$key] = $this->html_hashes[$value]; } } return implode("\n\n", $grafs); } return parent::formParagraphs($text); } public static function simpleTransform($text) { $parser = new self(true); return $parser->transform($text); } //automatically form links out of http://(...) and www.(...) protected function doAutoLinks2($text) { $text = preg_replace_callback('{(?<\s(){}]+)}i', [&$this, '_doAutoLinks_url_callback'], $text); $text = preg_replace_callback('{(?<\s(){}]+)}i', [&$this, '_doAutoLinks_url_callback'], $text); return $text; } //extend anchors callback for doAutolinks2 protected function _doAnchors_inline_callback($matches) { if ($matches[3] == '') $url = &$matches[4]; else $url = &$matches[3]; if (!preg_match('/^((https?|ftp):|)\/\//', $url)) $url = 'http://' . $url; return parent::_doAnchors_inline_callback($matches); } //handle white characters inside code blocks //so that they won't be optimized away by prettifying HTML protected function _doCodeBlocks_callback($matches) { $codeblock = $matches[1]; $codeblock = $this->outdent($codeblock); $codeblock = htmlspecialchars($codeblock, ENT_NOQUOTES); $codeblock = preg_replace('/\A\n+|\n+\z/', '', $codeblock); $codeblock = preg_replace('/\n/', '
', $codeblock); $codeblock = preg_replace('/\t/', '&tab;', $codeblock); $codeblock = preg_replace('/ /', ' ', $codeblock); $codeblock = "
"; return "\n\n".$this->hashBlock($codeblock)."\n\n"; } //change hard breaks trigger - simple \n followed by text //instead of two spaces followed by \n protected function doHardBreaks($text) { return preg_replace_callback('/\n(?=[\[\]\(\)\w])/', [&$this, '_doHardBreaks_callback'], $text); } protected function doStrike($text) { return preg_replace_callback('{(~~|---)([^~]+)\1}', function($x) { return $this->hashPart('' . $x[2] . ''); }, $text); } protected function doSpoilers($text) { if (is_array($text)) $text = $this->hashBlock('') . $this->runSpanGamut($text[1]) . $this->hashBlock(''); return preg_replace_callback('{\[spoiler\]((?:[^\[]|\[(?!\/?spoiler\])|(?R))+)\[\/spoiler\]}is', [__CLASS__, 'doSpoilers'], $text); } protected function doPosts($text) { $link = \Chibi\UrlHelper::route('post', 'view', ['id' => '_post_']); return preg_replace_callback('/(?:(?hashPart('' . $x[0] . ''); }, $text); } protected function doTags($text) { $link = \Chibi\UrlHelper::route('post', 'list', ['query' => '_query_']); return preg_replace_callback('/(?:(?hashPart('' . $x[0] . ''); }, $text); } protected function doUsers($text) { $link = \Chibi\UrlHelper::route('user', 'view', ['name' => '_name_']); return preg_replace_callback('/(?:(?hashPart('' . $x[0] . ''); }, $text); } protected function doSearchPermalinks($text) { $link = \Chibi\UrlHelper::route('post', 'list', ['query' => '_query_']); return preg_replace_callback('{\[search\]((?:[^\[]|\[(?!\/?search\]))+)\[\/search\]}is', function($x) use ($link) { return $this->hashPart('' . $x[1] . ''); }, $text); } }