<div class='content-wrapper' id='settings'> <form> <strong>Browsing settings</strong> <p>These settings are saved to the browser's local storage and are not coupled to the user account, so they don't apply to other devices or browsers alike.</p> <div class='input'> <ul> <li> {{checkbox text='Endless scroll' id='endless-scroll' name='endless-scroll' checked=this.browsingSettings.endlessScroll}} <p class='hint'>Rather than using a paged navigation, smoothly scroll through the content.</p> </li> <li> {{checkbox text='Enable keyboard shortcuts' id='keyboard-shortcuts' name='keyboard-shortcuts' checked=this.browsingSettings.keyboardShortcuts}} <a class='append icon' href='/help/keyboard'><i class='fa fa-question-circle-o'></i></a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class='messages'></div> <div class='buttons'> <input type='submit' value='Save settings'/> </div> </form> </div>