This guide assumes Arch Linux. Although exact instructions for other distributions are different, the steps stay roughly the same. ### Installing hard dependencies ```console user@host:~$ sudo pacman -S postgres user@host:~$ sudo pacman -S python user@host:~$ sudo pacman -S python-pip user@host:~$ sudo pacman -S npm user@host:~$ sudo pip install virtualenv user@host:~$ python --version Python 3.5.1 ``` ### Setting up a database First, basic `postgres` configuration: ```console user@host:~$ sudo -i -u postgres initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -E UTF8 -D /var/lib/postgres/data user@host:~$ sudo systemctl start postgresql user@host:~$ sudo systemctl enable postgresql ``` Then creating a database: ```console user@host:~$ sudo -i -u postgres createuser --interactive Enter name of role to add: szuru Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n user@host:~$ sudo -i -u postgres createdb szuru user@host:~$ sudo -i -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER szuru PASSWORD 'dog';" ``` ### Installing soft dependencies Installing frontend dependencies: ```console user@host:path/to/szurubooru$ npm install ``` `npm` sandboxes dependencies by default, i.e. installs them to `./node_modules`. This is good, because it avoids polluting the system with the project's dependencies. To make Python work the same way, we'll use `virtualenv`. Installing backend dependencies with `virtualenv` looks like this: ```console user@host:path/to/szurubooru$ virtualenv python_modules # consistent with node_modules user@host:path/to/szurubooru$ source python_modules/bin/activate # enters the sandbox (python_modules) user@host:path/to/szurubooru$ pip install -r requirements.txt # installs the dependencies ``` ### Preparing `szurubooru` for first run Configure things: ```console user@host:path/to/szurubooru$ cp config.ini.dist config.ini user@host:path/to/szurubooru$ vim config.ini ``` Pay extra attention to the `[database]` and `[smtp]` sections, and API URL in `[basic]`. Then update the database and compile the frontend: ```console user@host:path/to/szurubooru$ npm run build # compiles frontend user@host:path/to/szurubooru$ source python_modules/bin/activate # enters python sandbox (python_modules) user@host:path/to/szurubooru$ alembic update head # runs all DB upgrades ``` `alembic` should have been installed during installation of `szurubooru`'s dependencies. It is recommended to rebuild the frontend after each change to configuration. ### Wiring `szurubooru` to the web server `szurubooru` is divided into two parts: public static files, and the API. It tries not to impose any networking configurations on the user, so it is the user's responsibility to wire these to their web server. Below are described the methods to integrate the API into a web server: 1. Run API locally with `waitress`, and bind it with a reverse proxy. In this approach, the user needs to (from within `virtualenv`) install `waitress` with `pip install waitress` and then start `szurubooru` with `./scripts/host-waitress` (see `--help` for details). Then the user needs to add a virtual host that delegates the API requests to the local API server, and the browser requests to the `public/` directory. 2. Alternatively, Apache users can use `mod_wsgi`. 3. Alternatively, users can use other WSGI frontends such as `gunicorn` or `uwsgi`, but they'll need to write wrapper scripts themselves. Note that the API URL in the virtual host configuration needs to be the same as the one in the `config.ini`, so that client knows how to access the backend! #### Example **nginx configuration** - wiring API `http://great.dude/api/` to `localhost:6666` to avoid fiddling with CORS: ```nginx server { listen 80; server_name great.dude; location ~ ^/api$ { return 302 /api/; } location ~ ^/api/(.*)$ { proxy_pass$1$is_args$args; } location / { root /home/rr-/src/maintained/szurubooru/public; try_files $uri /index.htm; } } ``` **`config.ini`**: ```ini [basic] api_url = http://big.dude/api/ ``` Then the backend is started with `./scripts/host-waitress` from within `virtualenv`.