"use strict"; const events = require("../events.js"); const api = require("../api.js"); class TopNavigationItem { constructor(accessKey, title, url, available, imageUrl) { this.accessKey = accessKey; this.title = title; this.url = url; this.available = available === undefined ? true : available; this.imageUrl = imageUrl === undefined ? null : imageUrl; this.key = null; } } class TopNavigation extends events.EventTarget { constructor() { super(); this.activeItem = null; this._keyToItem = new Map(); this._items = []; } getAll() { return this._items; } get(key) { if (!this._keyToItem.has(key)) { throw `An item with key ${key} does not exist.`; } return this._keyToItem.get(key); } add(key, item) { item.key = key; if (this._keyToItem.has(key)) { throw `An item with key ${key} was already added.`; } this._keyToItem.set(key, item); this._items.push(item); } activate(key) { this.activeItem = null; this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("activate", { detail: { key: key, item: key ? this.get(key) : null, }, }) ); } setTitle(title) { api.fetchConfig().then(() => { document.oldTitle = null; document.title = api.getName() + (title ? " – " + title : ""); }); } showAll() { for (let item of this._items) { item.available = true; } } show(key) { this.get(key).available = true; } hide(key) { this.get(key).available = false; } } function _makeTopNavigation() { const ret = new TopNavigation(); ret.add("home", new TopNavigationItem("H", "Home", "")); ret.add("posts", new TopNavigationItem("P", "Posts", "posts")); ret.add("upload", new TopNavigationItem("U", "Upload", "upload")); ret.add("comments", new TopNavigationItem("C", "Comments", "comments")); ret.add("tags", new TopNavigationItem("T", "Tags", "tags")); ret.add("pools", new TopNavigationItem("O", "Pools", "pools")); ret.add("users", new TopNavigationItem("S", "Users", "users")); ret.add("account", new TopNavigationItem("A", "Account", "user/{me}")); ret.add("register", new TopNavigationItem("R", "Register", "register")); ret.add("login", new TopNavigationItem("L", "Log in", "login")); ret.add("logout", new TopNavigationItem("O", "Logout", "logout")); ret.add("help", new TopNavigationItem("E", "Help", "help")); ret.add( "settings", new TopNavigationItem(null, "<i class='fa fa-cog'></i>", "settings") ); return ret; } module.exports = _makeTopNavigation();