• <% if (['image'].includes(ctx.uploadable.type)) { %> <%= ctx.makeThumbnail(ctx.uploadable.previewUrl) %> <% } else if (['video'].includes(ctx.uploadable.type)) { %> <% } else { %> <%= ctx.makeThumbnail(null) %> <% } %>
    <%= ctx.uploadable.name %>
    <% for (let safety of ['safe', 'sketchy', 'unsafe']) { %> <%= ctx.makeRadio({ name: 'safety-' + ctx.uploadable.key, value: safety, text: safety[0].toUpperCase() + safety.substr(1), selectedValue: ctx.uploadable.safety, }) %> <% } %>
    <% if (ctx.canUploadAnonymously) { %>
    <%= ctx.makeCheckbox({ text: 'Upload anonymously', name: 'anonymous', checked: ctx.uploadable.anonymous, }) %>
    <% } %> <% if (['video'].includes(ctx.uploadable.type)) { %>
    <%= ctx.makeCheckbox({ text: 'Loop video', name: 'loop-video', checked: ctx.uploadable.flags.includes('loop'), }) %>
    <% } %>
    <% if (ctx.uploadable.lookalikes.length) { %>
      <% for (let lookalike of ctx.uploadable.lookalikes) { %>
    • <%= ctx.makeThumbnail(lookalike.post.thumbnailUrl) %>
      Similar post: <%= ctx.makePostLink(lookalike.post.id, true) %>
      <%- Math.round((1-lookalike.distance) * 100) %>% match
      <%= ctx.makeCheckbox({text: 'Copy tags', name: 'copy-tags'}) %>
      <%= ctx.makeCheckbox({text: 'Add relation', name: 'add-relation'}) %>
    • <% } %>
    <% } %>