<div class='content-wrapper' id='password-reset'> <h1>Password reset</h1> <% if (ctx.canSendMails) { %> <form autocomplete='off'> <ul class='input'> <li> <%= ctx.makeTextInput({ text: 'User name or e-mail address', name: 'user-name', required: true, }) %> </li> </ul> <p><small>Proceeding will send an e-mail that contains a password reset link. Clicking it is going to generate a new password for your account. It is recommended to change that password to something else.</small></p> <div class='messages'></div> <div class='buttons'> <input type='submit' value='Proceed'/> </div> </form> <% } else { %> <p>We do not support automatic password resetting.</p> <% if (ctx.contactEmail) { %> <p>Please send an e-mail to <a href='mailto:<%- ctx.contactEmail %>'><%- ctx.contactEmail %></a> to go through a manual procedure.</p> <% } %> <% } %> </div>