## Example Docker Compose configuration ## ## Use this as a template to set up docker-compose, or as guide to set up other ## orchestration services version: '2' services: server: # image: szurubooru/server:latest build: server depends_on: - sql restart: unless-stopped environment: ## These should be the names of the dependent containers listed below, ## or FQDNs/IP addresses if these services are running outside of Docker POSTGRES_HOST: sql ## Credentials for database: POSTGRES_USER: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: ## Commented Values are Default: #POSTGRES_DB: defaults to same as POSTGRES_USER #POSTGRES_PORT: 5432 #LOG_SQL: 0 (1 for verbose SQL logs) THREADS: volumes: - "${MOUNT_DATA}:/data" - "./server/config.yaml:/opt/app/config.yaml" client: # image: szurubooru/client:latest build: client restart: unless-stopped depends_on: - server environment: BACKEND_HOST: server BASE_URL: volumes: - "${MOUNT_DATA}:/data:ro" ports: - "${PORT}:80" sql: image: postgres:11-alpine restart: unless-stopped environment: POSTGRES_USER: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: # ports: # - 5432:5432 volumes: - "${MOUNT_SQL}:/var/lib/postgresql/data"