'use strict'; const keyboard = require('../util/keyboard.js'); const views = require('../util/views.js'); const events = require('../events.js'); const misc = require('../util/misc.js'); const Note = require('../models/note.js'); const Point = require('../models/point.js'); const svgNS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; const snapThreshold = 10; const circleSize = 10; const MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT = 1; const KEY_LEFT = 37; const KEY_UP = 38; const KEY_RIGHT = 39; const KEY_DOWN = 40; const KEY_ESCAPE = 27; const KEY_RETURN = 13; function _getDistance(point1, point2) { return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(point1.x - point2.x, 2) + Math.pow(point1.y - point2.y, 2)); } function _setNodeState(node, stateName) { if (node === null) { return; } node.setAttribute('data-state', stateName); } function _clearEditedNote(hostNode) { const node = hostNode.querySelector('[data-state=\'editing\']'); _setNodeState(node, null); return node !== null; } function _getNoteCentroid(note) { const vertexCount = note.polygon.length; const centroid = new Point(0, 0); let signedArea = 0.0; for (let i of misc.range(vertexCount)) { const x0 = note.polygon.at(i).x; const y0 = note.polygon.at(i).y; const x1 = note.polygon.at((i + 1) % vertexCount).x; const y1 = note.polygon.at((i + 1) % vertexCount).y; const a = x0 * y1 - x1 * y0; signedArea += a; centroid.x += (x0 + x1) * a; centroid.y += (y0 + y1) * a; } signedArea *= 0.5; centroid.x /= 6 * signedArea; centroid.y /= 6 * signedArea; return centroid; } function _getNoteSize(note) { const min = new Point(Infinity, Infinity); const max = new Point(-Infinity, -Infinity); for (let point of note.polygon) { min.x = Math.min(min.x, point.x); min.y = Math.min(min.y, point.y); max.x = Math.max(max.x, point.x); max.y = Math.max(max.y, point.y); } return new Point(max.x - min.x, max.y - min.y); } class State { constructor(control) { this._control = control; const stateName = misc.decamelize( this.constructor.name.replace(/State/, '')); _setNodeState(control._hostNode, stateName); _setNodeState(control._textNode, stateName); } get canShowNoteText() { return false; } evtCanvasKeyDown(e) { } evtNoteMouseDown(e, hoveredNote) { } evtCanvasMouseDown(e) { } evtCanvasMouseMove(e) { } evtCanvasMouseUp(e) { } _getScreenPoint(point) { return new Point( point.x * this._control.boundingBox.width, point.y * this._control.boundingBox.height); } _snapPoints(targetPoint, referencePoint) { const targetScreenPoint = this._getScreenPoint(targetPoint); const referenceScreenPoint = this._getScreenPoint(referencePoint); if (_getDistance(targetScreenPoint, referenceScreenPoint) < snapThreshold) { targetPoint.x = referencePoint.x; targetPoint.y = referencePoint.y; } } _createNote() { const note = new Note(); this._control._createPolygonNode(note); return note; } _getPointFromEvent(e) { return new Point( (e.clientX - this._control.boundingBox.left) / this._control.boundingBox.width, (e.clientY - this._control.boundingBox.top) / this._control.boundingBox.height); } } class ReadOnlyState extends State { constructor(control) { super(control); if (_clearEditedNote(control._hostNode)) { this._control.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('blur')); } keyboard.unpause(); } get canShowNoteText() { return true; } } class PassiveState extends State { constructor(control) { super(control); if (_clearEditedNote(control._hostNode)) { this._control.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('blur')); } keyboard.unpause(); } get canShowNoteText() { return true; } evtNoteMouseDown(e, hoveredNote) { this._control._state = new SelectedState(this._control, hoveredNote); } } class ActiveState extends State { constructor(control, note) { super(control); if (_clearEditedNote(control._hostNode)) { this._control.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('blur')); } keyboard.pause(); if (note !== undefined) { this._note = note; this._control.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('focus', { detail: {note: note}, })); _setNodeState(this._note.groupNode, 'editing'); } } } class SelectedState extends ActiveState { constructor(control, note) { super(control, note); this._clickTimeout = null; this._control._hideNoteText(); } evtCanvasKeyDown(e) { const delta = e.ctrlKey ? 10 : 1; const offsetMap = { [KEY_LEFT]: [-delta, 0], [KEY_UP]: [0, -delta], [KEY_DOWN]: [0, delta], [KEY_RIGHT]: [delta, 0], }; if (offsetMap.hasOwnProperty(e.which)) { e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if (e.shiftKey) { this._scaleEditedNote(...offsetMap[e.which]); } else { this._moveEditedNote(...offsetMap[e.which]); } } } evtNoteMouseDown(e, hoveredNote) { const mousePoint = this._getPointFromEvent(e); const mouseScreenPoint = this._getScreenPoint(mousePoint); if (e.shiftKey) { this._control._state = new ScalingNoteState( this._control, this._note, mousePoint); return; } if (this._note !== hoveredNote) { this._control._state = new SelectedState(this._control, hoveredNote); return; } this._clickTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { for (let polygonPoint of this._note.polygon) { const distance = _getDistance( mouseScreenPoint, this._getScreenPoint(polygonPoint)); if (distance < circleSize) { this._control._state = new MovingPointState( this._control, this._note, polygonPoint, mousePoint); return; } } this._control._state = new MovingNoteState( this._control, this._note, mousePoint); }, 100); } evtCanvasMouseMove(e) { const mousePoint = this._getPointFromEvent(e); const mouseScreenPoint = this._getScreenPoint(mousePoint); for (let polygonPoint of this._note.polygon) { const distance = _getDistance( mouseScreenPoint, this._getScreenPoint(polygonPoint)); polygonPoint.edgeNode.classList.toggle( 'nearby', distance < circleSize); } } evtCanvasMouseDown(e) { const mousePoint = this._getPointFromEvent(e); const mouseScreenPoint = this._getScreenPoint(mousePoint); if (e.shiftKey) { this._control._state = new ScalingNoteState( this._control, this._note, mousePoint); return; } for (let polygonPoint of this._note.polygon) { const distance = _getDistance( mouseScreenPoint, this._getScreenPoint(polygonPoint)); if (distance < circleSize) { this._control._state = new MovingPointState( this._control, this._note, polygonPoint, mousePoint); return; } } this._control._state = new PassiveState(this._control); } evtCanvasMouseUp(e) { window.clearTimeout(this._clickTimeout); } _moveEditedNote(x, y) { for (let point of this._note.polygon) { point.x += x / this._control.boundingBox.width; point.y += y / this._control.boundingBox.height; } } _scaleEditedNote(x, y) { const origin = _getNoteCentroid(this._note); const originalSize = _getNoteSize(this._note); const targetSize = new Point( originalSize.x + x / this._control.boundingBox.width, originalSize.y + y / this._control.boundingBox.height); const scale = new Point( targetSize.x / originalSize.x, targetSize.y / originalSize.y); for (let point of this._note.polygon) { point.x = origin.x + ((point.x - origin.x) * scale.x); point.y = origin.y + ((point.y - origin.y) * scale.y); } } } class MovingPointState extends ActiveState { constructor(control, note, notePoint, mousePoint) { super(control, note); this._notePoint = notePoint; this._originalNotePoint = {x: notePoint.x, y: notePoint.y}; this._originalPosition = mousePoint; _setNodeState(this._note.groupNode, 'editing'); } evtCanvasKeyDown(e) { if (e.which == KEY_ESCAPE) { this._notePoint.x = this._originalNotePoint.x; this._notePoint.y = this._originalNotePoint.y; this._control._state = new SelectedState(this._control, this._note); } } evtCanvasMouseMove(e) { const mousePoint = this._getPointFromEvent(e); this._notePoint.x += mousePoint.x - this._originalPosition.x; this._notePoint.y += mousePoint.y - this._originalPosition.y; this._originalPosition = mousePoint; } evtCanvasMouseUp(e) { this._control._state = new SelectedState(this._control, this._note); } } class MovingNoteState extends ActiveState { constructor(control, note, mousePoint) { super(control, note); this._originalPolygon = [...note.polygon].map( point => ({x: point.x, y: point.y})); this._originalPosition = mousePoint; } evtCanvasKeyDown(e) { if (e.which == KEY_ESCAPE) { for (let i of misc.range(this._note.polygon.length)) { this._note.polygon.at(i).x = this._originalPolygon[i].x; this._note.polygon.at(i).y = this._originalPolygon[i].y; } this._control._state = new SelectedState(this._control, this._note); } } evtCanvasMouseMove(e) { const mousePoint = this._getPointFromEvent(e); for (let point of this._note.polygon) { point.x += mousePoint.x - this._originalPosition.x; point.y += mousePoint.y - this._originalPosition.y; } this._originalPosition = mousePoint; } evtCanvasMouseUp(e) { this._control._state = new SelectedState(this._control, this._note); } } class ScalingNoteState extends ActiveState { constructor(control, note, mousePoint) { super(control, note); this._originalPolygon = [...note.polygon].map( point => ({x: point.x, y: point.y})); this._originalMousePoint = mousePoint; this._originalSize = _getNoteSize(note); } evtCanvasKeyDown(e) { if (e.which == KEY_ESCAPE) { for (let i of misc.range(this._note.polygon.length)) { this._note.polygon.at(i).x = this._originalPolygon[i].x; this._note.polygon.at(i).y = this._originalPolygon[i].y; } this._control._state = new SelectedState(this._control, this._note); } } evtCanvasMouseMove(e) { const mousePoint = this._getPointFromEvent(e); const originalMousePoint = this._originalMousePoint; const originalSize = this._originalSize; for (let i of misc.range(this._note.polygon.length)) { const polygonPoint = this._note.polygon.at(i); const originalPolygonPoint = this._originalPolygon[i]; polygonPoint.x = originalMousePoint.x + (originalPolygonPoint.x - originalMousePoint.x) * (1 + (mousePoint.x - originalMousePoint.x) / originalSize.x); polygonPoint.y = originalMousePoint.y + (originalPolygonPoint.y - originalMousePoint.y) * (1 + (mousePoint.y - originalMousePoint.y) / originalSize.y); } } evtCanvasMouseUp(e) { this._control._state = new SelectedState(this._control, this._note); } } class ReadyToDrawState extends ActiveState { constructor(control) { super(control); } evtNoteMouseDown(e, hoveredNote) { this._control._state = new SelectedState(this._control, hoveredNote); } evtCanvasMouseDown(e) { const mousePoint = this._getPointFromEvent(e); if (e.shiftKey) { this._control._state = new DrawingRectangleState( this._control, mousePoint); } else { this._control._state = new DrawingPolygonState( this._control, mousePoint); } } } class DrawingRectangleState extends ActiveState { constructor(control, mousePoint) { super(control); this._note = this._createNote(); this._note.polygon.add(new Point(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y)); this._note.polygon.add(new Point(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y)); this._note.polygon.add(new Point(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y)); this._note.polygon.add(new Point(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y)); _setNodeState(this._note.groupNode, 'drawing'); } evtCanvasMouseUp(e) { const mousePoint = this._getPointFromEvent(e); const x1 = this._note.polygon.at(0).x; const y1 = this._note.polygon.at(0).y; const x2 = this._note.polygon.at(2).x; const y2 = this._note.polygon.at(2).y; const width = (x2 - x1) * this._control.boundingBox.width; const height = (y2 - y1) * this._control.boundingBox.height; if (width < 20 && height < 20) { this._control._deletePolygonNode(this._note); this._control._state = new ReadyToDrawState(this._control); } else { this._control._post.notes.add(this._note); this._control._state = new SelectedState(this._control, this._note); } } evtCanvasMouseMove(e) { const mousePoint = this._getPointFromEvent(e); this._note.polygon.at(1).x = mousePoint.x; this._note.polygon.at(3).y = mousePoint.y; this._note.polygon.at(2).x = mousePoint.x; this._note.polygon.at(2).y = mousePoint.y; } } class DrawingPolygonState extends ActiveState { constructor(control, mousePoint) { super(control); this._note = this._createNote(); this._note.polygon.add(new Point(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y)); this._note.polygon.add(new Point(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y)); _setNodeState(this._note.groupNode, 'drawing'); } evtCanvasKeyDown(e) { if (e.which == KEY_ESCAPE) { this._note.polygon.remove(this._note.polygon.secondLastPoint); if (this._note.polygon.length === 1) { this._cancel(); } } else if (e.which == KEY_RETURN) { this._finish(); } } evtNoteMouseDown(e, hoveredNote) { this.evtCanvasMouseDown(e); } evtCanvasMouseDown(e) { const mousePoint = this._getPointFromEvent(e); const firstPoint = this._note.polygon.firstPoint; const mouseScreenPoint = this._getScreenPoint(mousePoint); const firstScreenPoint = this._getScreenPoint(firstPoint); if (_getDistance(mouseScreenPoint, firstScreenPoint) < snapThreshold) { this._finish(); } else { this._note.polygon.add(new Point(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y)); } } evtCanvasMouseMove(e) { const mousePoint = this._getPointFromEvent(e); const lastPoint = this._note.polygon.lastPoint; const secondLastPoint = this._note.polygon.secondLastPoint; const firstPoint = this._note.polygon.firstPoint; if (!lastPoint) { return; } if (e.shiftKey && secondLastPoint) { const direction = (Math.round( Math.atan2( secondLastPoint.y - mousePoint.y, secondLastPoint.x - mousePoint.x) / (2 * Math.PI / 4)) + 4) % 4; if (direction === 0 || direction === 2) { lastPoint.x = mousePoint.x; lastPoint.y = secondLastPoint.y; } else if (direction === 1 || direction === 3) { lastPoint.x = secondLastPoint.x; lastPoint.y = mousePoint.y; } } else { lastPoint.x = mousePoint.x; lastPoint.y = mousePoint.y; } this._snapPoints(lastPoint, firstPoint); } _cancel() { this._control._deletePolygonNode(this._note); this._control._state = new ReadyToDrawState(this._control); } _finish() { this._note.polygon.remove(this._note.polygon.lastPoint); if (this._note.polygon.length <= 2) { this._cancel(); } else { this._control._post.notes.add(this._note); this._control._state = new SelectedState(this._control, this._note); } } } class PostNotesOverlayControl extends events.EventTarget { constructor(hostNode, post) { super(); this._post = post; this._hostNode = hostNode; this._svgNode = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'svg'); this._svgNode.classList.add('notes-overlay'); this._svgNode.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'none'); this._svgNode.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 1 1'); for (let note of this._post.notes) { this._createPolygonNode(note); } this._hostNode.appendChild(this._svgNode); this._post.notes.addEventListener('remove', e => { this._deletePolygonNode(e.detail.note); }); const keyHandler = e => this._evtCanvasKeyDown(e); document.addEventListener('keydown', keyHandler); this._svgNode.addEventListener( 'mousedown', e => this._evtCanvasMouseDown(e)); this._svgNode.addEventListener( 'mouseup', e => this._evtCanvasMouseUp(e)); this._svgNode.addEventListener( 'mousemove', e => this._evtCanvasMouseMove(e)); const wrapperNode = document.createElement('div'); wrapperNode.classList.add('wrapper'); this._textNode = document.createElement('div'); this._textNode.classList.add('note-text'); this._textNode.appendChild(wrapperNode); this._textNode.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', e => this._evtNoteMouseLeave(e)); document.body.appendChild(this._textNode); views.monitorNodeRemoval( this._hostNode, () => { this._hostNode.removeChild(this._svgNode); document.removeEventListener('keydown', keyHandler); document.body.removeChild(this._textNode); this._state = new ReadOnlyState(this); }); this._state = new ReadOnlyState(this); } switchToPassiveEdit() { this._state = new PassiveState(this); } switchToDrawing() { this._state = new ReadyToDrawState(this); } get boundingBox() { return this._hostNode.getBoundingClientRect(); } _evtCanvasKeyDown(e) { this._state.evtCanvasKeyDown(e); } _evtCanvasMouseDown(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.which !== MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) { return; } const hoveredNode = document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY); let hoveredNote = null; for (let note of this._post.notes) { if (note.polygonNode === hoveredNode) { hoveredNote = note; } } if (hoveredNote) { this._state.evtNoteMouseDown(e, hoveredNote); } else { this._state.evtCanvasMouseDown(e); } } _evtCanvasMouseUp(e) { this._state.evtCanvasMouseUp(e); } _evtCanvasMouseMove(e) { this._state.evtCanvasMouseMove(e); } _evtNoteMouseEnter(e, note) { if (this._state.canShowNoteText) { this._showNoteText(note); } } _evtNoteMouseLeave(e) { const newElement = e.relatedTarget; if (newElement === this._svgNode || (!this._svgNode.contains(newElement) && !this._textNode.contains(newElement) && newElement !== this._textNode)) { this._hideNoteText(); } } _showNoteText(note) { this._textNode.querySelector('.wrapper').innerHTML = misc.formatMarkdown(note.text); this._textNode.style.display = 'block'; const bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); const noteRect = this._textNode.getBoundingClientRect(); const svgRect = this.boundingBox; const centroid = _getNoteCentroid(note); const x = ( -bodyRect.left + svgRect.left + svgRect.width * centroid.x - noteRect.width / 2); const y = ( -bodyRect.top + svgRect.top + svgRect.height * centroid.y - noteRect.height / 2); this._textNode.style.left = x + 'px'; this._textNode.style.top = y + 'px'; } _hideNoteText() { this._textNode.style.display = 'none'; } _updatePolygonNotePoints(note) { note.polygonNode.setAttribute( 'points', [...note.polygon].map( point => [point.x, point.y].join(',')).join(' ')); } _createEdgeNode(point, groupNode) { const node = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'ellipse'); node.setAttribute('cx', point.x); node.setAttribute('cy', point.y); node.setAttribute('rx', circleSize / 2 / this.boundingBox.width); node.setAttribute('ry', circleSize / 2 / this.boundingBox.height); point.edgeNode = node; groupNode.appendChild(node); } _deleteEdgeNode(point, note) { this._updatePolygonNotePoints(note); point.edgeNode.parentNode.removeChild(point.edgeNode); } _updateEdgeNode(point, note) { this._updatePolygonNotePoints(note); point.edgeNode.setAttribute('cx', point.x); point.edgeNode.setAttribute('cy', point.y); } _deletePolygonNode(note) { note.polygonNode.parentNode.removeChild(note.polygonNode); } _createPolygonNode(note) { const groupNode = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'g'); note.groupNode = groupNode; { const node = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'polygon'); note.polygonNode = node; node.setAttribute('vector-effect', 'non-scaling-stroke'); node.setAttribute('stroke-alignment', 'inside'); node.addEventListener( 'mouseenter', e => this._evtNoteMouseEnter(e, note)); node.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', e => this._evtNoteMouseLeave(e)); this._updatePolygonNotePoints(note); groupNode.appendChild(node); } for (let point of note.polygon) { this._createEdgeNode(point, groupNode); } note.polygon.addEventListener('change', e => { this._updateEdgeNode(e.detail.point, note); }); note.polygon.addEventListener('remove', e => { this._deleteEdgeNode(e.detail.point, note); }); note.polygon.addEventListener('add', e => { this._createEdgeNode(e.detail.point, groupNode); }); this._svgNode.appendChild(groupNode); } } module.exports = PostNotesOverlayControl;