'use strict'; const router = require('../router.js'); const api = require('../api.js'); const topNavigation = require('../models/top_navigation.js'); const PasswordResetView = require('../views/password_reset_view.js'); class PasswordResetController { constructor() { topNavigation.activate('login'); this._passwordResetView = new PasswordResetView(); this._passwordResetView.addEventListener( 'submit', e => this._evtReset(e)); } _evtReset(e) { this._passwordResetView.clearMessages(); this._passwordResetView.disableForm(); api.forget(); api.logout(); api.get('/password-reset/' + e.detail.userNameOrEmail) .then(() => { this._passwordResetView.showSuccess( 'E-mail has been sent. To finish the procedure, ' + 'please click the link it contains.'); }, response => { this._passwordResetView.showError(response.description); this._passwordResetView.enableForm(); }); } } class PasswordResetFinishController { constructor(name, token) { api.forget(); api.logout(); let password = null; api.post('/password-reset/' + name, {token: token}) .then(response => { password = response.password; return api.login(name, password, false); }, response => { return Promise.reject(response.description); }).then(() => { const ctx = router.show('/'); ctx.controller.showSuccess('New password: ' + password); }, errorMessage => { const ctx = router.show('/'); ctx.controller.showError(errorMessage); }); } } module.exports = router => { router.enter('/password-reset', (ctx, next) => { ctx.controller = new PasswordResetController(); }); router.enter(/\/password-reset\/([^:]+):([^:]+)$/, (ctx, next) => { ctx.controller = new PasswordResetFinishController( ctx.parameters[0], ctx.parameters[1]); }); };