var App = App || {}; App.Presenters = App.Presenters || {}; App.Presenters.RegistrationPresenter = function( jQuery, topNavigationPresenter, messagePresenter, api) {'register'); var $el = jQuery('#content'); var template = _.template(jQuery('#registration-form-template').html()); var eventHandlers = { registrationFormSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); messagePresenter.hideMessages($messages); var userName = $el.find('[name=user]').val(); var password = $el.find('[name=password1]').val(); var passwordConfirmation = $el.find('[name=password2]').val(); var email = $el.find('[name=email]').val(); if (userName.length == 0) { messagePresenter.showError($messages, 'User name cannot be empty.'); return; } if (password.length == 0) { messagePresenter.showError($messages, 'Password cannot be empty.'); return; } if (password != passwordConfirmation) { messagePresenter.showError($messages, 'Passwords must be the same.'); return; }'/users', {userName: userName, password: password, email: email}) .then(function(response) { //todo: show message about registration success //if it turned out that user needs to confirm his e-mail, notify about it //also, show link to login }).catch(function(response) { messagePresenter.showError($messages, response.json && response.json.error || response); }); } }; render(); function render() { $el.html(template()); $el.find('form').submit(eventHandlers.registrationFormSubmit); $messages = $el.find('.messages'); $messages.width($el.find('form').width()); }; return { render: render, }; }; App.DI.register('registrationPresenter', App.Presenters.RegistrationPresenter);