<?php class Model_Post_QueryBuilder implements AbstractQueryBuilder { protected static function attachTableCount($dbQuery, $tableName, $shortName) { $dbQuery ->addSql(', ') ->open() ->select('COUNT(1)') ->from($tableName) ->where($tableName . '.post_id = post.id') ->close() ->as($shortName . '_count'); } protected static function attachCommentCount($dbQuery) { self::attachTableCount($dbQuery, 'comment', 'comment'); } protected static function attachFavCount($dbQuery) { self::attachTableCount($dbQuery, 'favoritee', 'fav'); } protected static function attachTagCount($dbQuery) { self::attachTableCount($dbQuery, 'post_tag', 'tag'); } protected static function filterUserSafety($dbQuery) { $allowedSafety = PrivilegesHelper::getAllowedSafety(); $dbQuery->addSql('safety')->in('(' . R::genSlots($allowedSafety) . ')'); foreach ($allowedSafety as $s) $dbQuery->put($s); } protected static function filterUserHidden($dbQuery) { if (!PrivilegesHelper::confirm(Privilege::ListPosts, 'hidden')) $dbQuery->not()->addSql('hidden'); else $dbQuery->addSql('1'); } protected static function filterChain($dbQuery) { if (isset($dbQuery->__chained)) $dbQuery->and(); else $dbQuery->where(); $dbQuery->__chained = true; } protected static function filterNegate($dbQuery) { $dbQuery->not(); } protected static function filterTag($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery ->exists() ->open() ->select('1') ->from('post_tag') ->innerJoin('tag') ->on('post_tag.tag_id = tag.id') ->where('post_id = post.id') ->and('LOWER(tag.name) = LOWER(?)')->put($val) ->close(); } protected static function filterTokenId($dbQuery, $val) { $ids = preg_split('/[;,]/', $val); $ids = array_map('intval', $ids); $dbQuery->addSql('id')->in('(' . R::genSlots($ids) . ')'); foreach ($ids as $id) $dbQuery->put($id); } protected static function filterTokenIdMin($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery->addSql('id >= ?')->put(intval($val)); } protected static function filterTokenIdMax($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery->addSql('id <= ?')->put(intval($val)); } protected static function filterTokenScoreMin($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery->addSql('score >= ?')->put(intval($val)); } protected static function filterTokenScoreMax($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery->addSql('score <= ?')->put(intval($val)); } protected static function filterTokenTagMin($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery->addSql('tag_count >= ?')->put(intval($val)); } protected static function filterTokenTagMax($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery->addSql('tag_count <= ?')->put(intval($val)); } protected static function filterTokenFavMin($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery->addSql('fav_count >= ?')->put(intval($val)); } protected static function filterTokenFavMax($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery->addSql('fav_count <= ?')->put(intval($val)); } protected static function filterTokenCommentMin($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery->addSql('comment_count >= ?')->put(intval($val)); } protected static function filterTokenCommentMax($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery->addSql('comment_count <= ?')->put(intval($val)); } protected static function filterTokenType($dbQuery, $val) { switch ($val) { case 'swf': $type = PostType::Flash; break; case 'img': $type = PostType::Image; break; case 'yt': case 'youtube': $type = PostType::Youtube; break; default: throw new SimpleException('Unknown type "' . $val . '"'); } $dbQuery->addSql('type = ?')->put($type); } protected static function __filterTokenDateParser($val) { list ($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $val . '-0-0'); $yearMin = $yearMax = intval($year); $monthMin = $monthMax = intval($month); $monthMin = $monthMin ?: 1; $monthMax = $monthMax ?: 12; $dayMin = $dayMax = intval($day); $dayMin = $dayMin ?: 1; $dayMax = $dayMax ?: intval(date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthMax, 1, $year))); $timeMin = mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthMin, $dayMin, $yearMin); $timeMax = mktime(0, 0, -1, $monthMax, $dayMax+1, $yearMax); return [$timeMin, $timeMax]; } protected static function filterTokenDate($dbQuery, $val) { list ($timeMin, $timeMax) = self::__filterTokenDateParser($val); $dbQuery ->addSql('upload_date >= ?')->and('upload_date <= ?') ->put($timeMin) ->put($timeMax); } protected static function filterTokenDateMin($dbQuery, $val) { list ($timeMin, $timeMax) = self::__filterTokenDateParser($val); $dbQuery->addSql('upload_date >= ?')->put($timeMin); } protected static function filterTokenDateMax($dbQuery, $val) { list ($timeMin, $timeMax) = self::__filterTokenDateParser($val); $dbQuery->addSql('upload_date <= ?')->put($timeMax); } protected static function filterTokenFav($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery ->exists() ->open() ->select('1') ->from('favoritee') ->innerJoin('user') ->on('favoritee.user_id = user.id') ->where('post_id = post.id') ->and('user.name = ?')->put($val) ->close(); } protected static function filterTokenFavs($dbQuery, $val) { return self::filterTokenFav($dbQuery, $val); } protected static function filterTokenFavitee($dbQuery, $val) { return self::filterTokenFav($dbQuery, $val); } protected static function filterTokenFaviter($dbQuery, $val) { return self::filterTokenFav($dbQuery, $val); } protected static function filterTokenSubmit($dbQuery, $val) { $dbQuery ->addSql('uploader_id = ') ->open() ->select('user.id') ->from('user') ->where('name = ?')->put($val) ->close(); } protected static function filterTokenUploader($dbQuery, $val) { return self::filterTokenSubmit($dbQuery, $val); } protected static function filterTokenUpload($dbQuery, $val) { return self::filterTokenSubmit($dbQuery, $val); } protected static function filterTokenUploaded($dbQuery, $val) { return self::filterTokenSubmit($dbQuery, $val); } protected static function order($dbQuery, $val) { $randomReset = true; $orderDir = 1; if (substr($val, -4) == 'desc') { $orderDir = 1; $val = rtrim(substr($val, 0, -4), ','); } elseif (substr($val, -3) == 'asc') { $orderDir = -1; $val = rtrim(substr($val, 0, -3), ','); } if ($val{0} == '-') { $orderDir *= -1; $val = substr($val, 1); } switch ($val) { case 'id': $orderColumn = 'post.id'; break; case 'date': $orderColumn = 'post.upload_date'; break; case 'comment': case 'comments': case 'commentcount': $orderColumn = 'comment_count'; break; case 'fav': case 'favs': case 'favcount': $orderColumn = 'fav_count'; break; case 'score': $orderDir *= -1; $orderColumn = 'score'; break; case 'tag': case 'tags': case 'tagcount': $orderColumn = 'tag_count'; break; case 'random': //seeding works like this: if you visit anything //that triggers order other than random, the seed //is going to reset. however, it stays the same as //long as you keep visiting pages with order:random //specified. $randomReset = false; if (!isset($_SESSION['browsing-seed'])) $_SESSION['browsing-seed'] = mt_rand(); $seed = $_SESSION['browsing-seed']; $orderColumn = 'SUBSTR(id * ' . $seed .', LENGTH(id) + 2)'; break; default: throw new SimpleException('Unknown key "' . $val . '"'); } if ($randomReset and isset($_SESSION['browsing-seed'])) unset($_SESSION['browsing-seed']); $dbQuery->orderBy($orderColumn); if ($orderDir == 1) $dbQuery->desc(); else $dbQuery->asc(); } public static function build($dbQuery, $query) { $config = \Chibi\Registry::getConfig(); self::attachCommentCount($dbQuery); self::attachFavCount($dbQuery); self::attachTagCount($dbQuery); $dbQuery->from('post'); self::filterChain($dbQuery); self::filterUserSafety($dbQuery); self::filterChain($dbQuery); self::filterUserHidden($dbQuery); /* query tokens */ $tokens = array_filter(array_unique(explode(' ', $query)), function($x) { return $x != ''; }); if (count($tokens) > $config->browsing->maxSearchTokens) throw new SimpleException('Too many search tokens (maximum: ' . $config->browsing->maxSearchTokens . ')'); $orderToken = 'id'; foreach ($tokens as $token) { if ($token{0} == '-') { $token = substr($token, 1); $neg = true; } else { $neg = false; } $pos = strpos($token, ':'); if ($pos === false) { self::filterChain($dbQuery); if ($neg) self::filterNegate($dbQuery); self::filterTag($dbQuery, $token); continue; } $key = substr($token, 0, $pos); $val = substr($token, $pos + 1); $methodName = 'filterToken' . TextHelper::kebabCaseToCamelCase($key); if (method_exists(__CLASS__, $methodName)) { self::filterChain($dbQuery); if ($neg) self::filterNegate($dbQuery); self::$methodName($dbQuery, $val); } elseif ($key == 'order') { if ($neg) $orderToken = $val; else $orderToken = '-' . $val; } else { throw new SimpleException('Unknown key "' . $key . '"'); } } self::order($dbQuery, $orderToken); } }