Command Description
Haruhi containing tag “Haruhi”
-Kyon not containing tag “Kyon”
uploader:David uploaded by user David
comment:David commented by David
fav:David favorited by David
fav-count:4 favorited by exactly four users
fav-count:4,5 favorited by four or five users
fav-count:4.. favorited by at least four users
fav-count:..4 favorited by at most four users
fav-count:4..6 favorited by at least four, but no more than six users
comment-count:3 having exactly three comments
score:4 having score of 4
tag-count:7 tagged with exactly seven tags
note-count:1.. having at least one post note
feature-count:1.. having been featured at least once
date:today posted today
date:yesterday posted yesterday
date:2000 posted in year 2000
date:2000-01 posted in January, 2000
date:2000-01-01 posted on January 1st, 2000
id:1 having specific post ID
name:hash having specific post name (hash in full URLs)
file-size:100.. having at least 100 bytes
image-width:100.. being at least 100 pixels wide
image-height:100.. being at least 100 pixels tall
image-area:10000.. having at least 10000 pixels
type:image only image posts
type:flash only Flash posts
type:youtube only Youtube posts
type:video only video posts
special:liked posts liked by currently logged in user
special:disliked posts disliked by currently logged in user
special:fav posts added to favorites by currently logged in user
special:tumbleweed posts with score of 0, without comments and without favorites

Most of the commands support ranged and composites values, e.g. id:number operator supports respectively id:5..7 and id:5,10,15. You can combine tags and negate any of them for interesting results. sea -fav-count:8.. type:swf uploader:Pirate will show you flash files tagged as sea, that were liked by seven people at most, uploaded by user Pirate.

All of the above can be sorted using additional tag in form of order:keyword:

Command Description
order:random as random as it can get
order:id highest to lowest post ID (default browse view)
order:creation-date newest to oldest (pretty much same as above)
-order:creation-date oldest to newest
order:creation-date,asc oldest to newest (ascending order, default = descending)
order:edit-date like creation-date, only looks at last edit time
order:score highest scored
order:file-size largest files first
order:image-width widest images first
order:image-height tallest images first
order:image-area largest images first
order:tag-count with most tags
order:fav-count loved by most
order:comment-count most commented first
order:fav-date recently added to favorites
order:comment-date recently commented
order:feature-date recently featured
order:feature-count most often featured

As shown with -order:creation-date, any of them can be reversed in the same way as negating other tags: by placing a dash before the tag.