'use strict'; const lodash = require('lodash'); const views = require('../util/views.js'); const KEY_TAB = 9; const KEY_RETURN = 13; const KEY_DELETE = 46; const KEY_ESCAPE = 27; const KEY_UP = 38; const KEY_DOWN = 40; function getSelectionStart(input) { if ('selectionStart' in input) { return input.selectionStart; } if (document.selection) { input.focus(); const sel = document.selection.createRange(); const selLen = document.selection.createRange().text.length; sel.moveStart('character', -input.value.length); return sel.text.length - selLen; } return 0; } class AutoCompleteControl { constructor(input, options) { this.input = input; this.options = lodash.extend({}, { verticalShift: 2, source: null, maxResults: 15, getTextToFind: () => { const value = this.input.value; const start = getSelectionStart(this.input); return value.substring(0, start).replace(/.*\s+/, ''); }, confirm: text => { const start = getSelectionStart(this.input); let prefix = ''; let suffix = this.input.value.substring(start); let middle = this.input.value.substring(0, start); const index = middle.lastIndexOf(' '); if (index !== -1) { prefix = this.input.value.substring(0, index + 1); middle = this.input.value.substring(index + 1); } this.input.value = prefix + this.results[this.activeResult].value + ' ' + suffix.trimLeft(); this.input.focus(); }, delete: text => { }, getMatches: null, }, options); this.showTimeout = null; this.results = []; this.activeResult = -1; this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver( mutations => { for (let mutation of mutations) { for (let node of mutation.removedNodes) { if (node.contains(input)) { this.uninstall(); return; } } } }); this.install(); } uninstall() { window.clearTimeout(this.showTimeout); this.mutationObserver.disconnect(); document.body.removeChild(this.suggestionDiv); } install() { if (!this.input) { throw new Error('Input element was not found'); } if (this.input.getAttribute('data-autocomplete')) { throw new Error( 'Autocompletion was already added for this element'); } this.input.setAttribute('data-autocomplete', true); this.input.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); this.mutationObserver.observe( document.body, {childList: true, subtree: true}); this.input.addEventListener( 'keydown', e => { const key = e.which; const shift = e.shiftKey; let func = null; if (this.isVisible) { if (key === KEY_ESCAPE) { func = this.hide; } else if (key === KEY_TAB && shift) { func = () => { this.selectPrevious(); }; } else if (key === KEY_TAB && !shift) { func = () => { this.selectNext(); }; } else if (key === KEY_UP) { func = () => { this.selectPrevious(); }; } else if (key === KEY_DOWN) { func = () => { this.selectNext(); }; } else if (key === KEY_RETURN && this.activeResult >= 0) { func = () => { this.options.confirm(this.getActiveSuggestion()); this.hide(); }; } else if (key === KEY_DELETE && this.activeResult >= 0) { func = () => { this.options.delete(this.getActiveSuggestion()); this.hide(); }; } } if (func !== null) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); func(); } else { window.clearTimeout(this.showTimeout); this.showTimeout = window.setTimeout( () => { this.showOrHide(); }, 250); } }); this.input.addEventListener( 'blur', e => { window.clearTimeout(this.showTimeout); window.setTimeout(() => { this.hide(); }, 50); }); this.suggestionDiv = views.htmlToDom( '
'); this.suggestionList = this.suggestionDiv.querySelector('ul'); document.body.appendChild(this.suggestionDiv); } getActiveSuggestion() { if (this.activeResult === -1) { return null; } return this.results[this.activeResult].value; } showOrHide() { const textToFind = this.options.getTextToFind(); if (!textToFind || !textToFind.length) { this.hide(); } else { this.updateResults(textToFind); this.refreshList(); } } show() { this.suggestionDiv.style.display = 'block'; this.isVisible = true; } hide() { window.clearTimeout(this.showTimeout); this.suggestionDiv.style.display = 'none'; this.isVisible = false; } selectPrevious() { this.select(this.activeResult === -1 ? this.results.length - 1 : this.activeResult - 1); } selectNext() { this.select(this.activeResult === -1 ? 0 : this.activeResult + 1); } select(newActiveResult) { this.activeResult = newActiveResult.between(0, this.results.length - 1, true) ? newActiveResult : -1; this.refreshActiveResult(); } updateResults(textToFind) { const oldResults = this.results.slice(); this.results = this.options.getMatches(textToFind) .slice(0, this.options.maxResults); if (!lodash.isEqual(oldResults, this.results)) { this.activeResult = -1; } } refreshList() { if (this.results.length === 0) { this.hide(); return; } while (this.suggestionList.firstChild) { this.suggestionList.removeChild(this.suggestionList.firstChild); } lodash.each( this.results, (resultItem, resultIndex) => { const listItem = document.createElement('li'); const link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = '#'; link.innerHTML = resultItem.caption; link.setAttribute('data-key', resultItem.value); link.addEventListener( 'mouseenter', e => { e.preventDefault(); this.activeResult = resultIndex; this.refreshActiveResult(); }); link.addEventListener( 'mousedown', e => { e.preventDefault(); this.activeResult = resultIndex; this.options.confirm(this.getActiveSuggestion()); this.hide(); }); listItem.appendChild(link); this.suggestionList.appendChild(listItem); }); this.refreshActiveResult(); // display the suggestions offscreen to get the height this.suggestionDiv.style.left = '-9999px'; this.suggestionDiv.style.top = '-9999px'; this.show(); const verticalShift = this.options.verticalShift; const inputRect = this.input.getBoundingClientRect(); const bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); const viewPortHeight = bodyRect.bottom - bodyRect.top; let listRect = this.suggestionDiv.getBoundingClientRect(); // choose where to view the suggestions: if there's more space above // the input - draw the suggestions above it, otherwise below const direction = inputRect.top + inputRect.height / 2 < viewPortHeight / 2 ? 1 : -1; let x = inputRect.left - bodyRect.left; let y = direction == 1 ? inputRect.bottom - bodyRect.top - verticalShift : inputRect.top - bodyRect.top - listRect.height + verticalShift; // remove offscreen items until whole suggestion list can fit on the // screen while ((y < 0 || y + listRect.height > viewPortHeight) && this.suggestionList.childNodes.length) { this.suggestionList.removeChild(this.suggestionList.lastChild); const prevHeight = listRect.height; listRect = this.suggestionDiv.getBoundingClientRect(); const heightDelta = prevHeight - listRect.height; if (direction == -1) { y += heightDelta; } } this.suggestionDiv.style.left = x + 'px'; this.suggestionDiv.style.top = y + 'px'; } refreshActiveResult() { let activeItem = this.suggestionList.querySelector('li.active'); if (activeItem) { activeItem.classList.remove('active'); } if (this.activeResult >= 0) { const allItems = this.suggestionList.querySelectorAll('li'); activeItem = allItems[this.activeResult]; activeItem.classList.add('active'); } } }; module.exports = AutoCompleteControl;