#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; // ------------------------------------------------- const webapp_icons = [ { name: 'android-chrome-192x192.png', size: 192 }, { name: 'android-chrome-512x512.png', size: 512 }, { name: 'apple-touch-icon.png', size: 180 }, { name: 'mstile-150x150.png', size: 150 } ]; const webapp_splash_screens = [ { w: 640, h: 1136, center: 320 }, { w: 750, h: 1294, center: 375 }, { w: 1125, h: 2436, center: 565 }, { w: 1242, h: 2148, center: 625 }, { w: 1536, h: 2048, center: 770 }, { w: 1668, h: 2224, center: 820 }, { w: 2048, h: 2732, center: 1024 } ]; const external_js = [ 'dompurify', 'js-cookie', 'marked', 'mousetrap', 'nprogress', 'superagent', 'underscore', ]; const app_manifest = { name: 'szurubooru', icons: [ { src: baseUrl() + 'img/android-chrome-192x192.png', type: 'image/png', sizes: '192x192' }, { src: baseUrl() + 'img/android-chrome-512x512.png', type: 'image/png', sizes: '512x512' } ], start_url: baseUrl(), theme_color: '#24aadd', background_color: '#ffffff', display: 'standalone' } // ------------------------------------------------- const fs = require('fs'); const glob = require('glob'); const path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); const execSync = require('child_process').execSync; const browserify = require('browserify'); const chokidar = require('chokidar'); const WebSocket = require('ws'); var PrettyError = require('pretty-error'); var pe = new PrettyError(); function readTextFile(path) { return fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8'); } function gzipFile(file) { file = path.normalize(file); execSync('gzip -6 -k ' + file); } function baseUrl() { return process.env.BASE_URL ? process.env.BASE_URL : '/'; } // ------------------------------------------------- function bundleHtml() { const underscore = require('underscore'); const babelify = require('babelify'); function minifyHtml(html) { return require('html-minifier').minify(html, { removeComments: false, collapseWhitespace: true, conservativeCollapse: true, }).trim(); } const baseHtml = readTextFile('./html/index.htm') .replace('', ``); fs.writeFileSync('./public/index.htm', minifyHtml(baseHtml)); let compiledTemplateJs = [ `'use strict';`, `let _ = require('underscore');`, `let templates = {};` ]; for (const file of glob.sync('./html/**/*.tpl')) { const name = path.basename(file, '.tpl').replace(/_/g, '-'); const placeholders = []; let templateText = readTextFile(file); templateText = templateText.replace( /<%.*?%>/ig, (match) => { const ret = '%%%TEMPLATE' + placeholders.length; placeholders.push(match); return ret; }); templateText = minifyHtml(templateText); templateText = templateText.replace( /%%%TEMPLATE(\d+)/g, (match, number) => { return placeholders[number]; }); const functionText = underscore.template( templateText, { variable: 'ctx' }).source; compiledTemplateJs.push(`templates['${name}'] = ${functionText};`); } compiledTemplateJs.push('module.exports = templates;'); fs.writeFileSync('./js/.templates.autogen.js', compiledTemplateJs.join('\n')); console.info('Bundled HTML'); } function bundleCss() { const stylus = require('stylus'); function minifyCss(css) { return require('csso').minify(css).css; } let css = ''; for (const file of glob.sync('./css/**/*.styl')) { css += stylus.render(readTextFile(file), { filename: file }); } fs.writeFileSync('./public/css/app.min.css', minifyCss(css)); if (process.argv.includes('--gzip')) { gzipFile('./public/css/app.min.css'); } fs.copyFileSync( './node_modules/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', './public/css/vendor.min.css'); if (process.argv.includes('--gzip')) { gzipFile('./public/css/vendor.min.css'); } console.info('Bundled CSS'); } function minifyJs(path) { return require('terser').minify( fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8'), { compress: { unused: false } }).code; } function writeJsBundle(b, path, compress, callback) { let outputFile = fs.createWriteStream(path); b.bundle().on('error', (e) => console.error(pe.render(e))).pipe(outputFile); outputFile.on('finish', () => { if (compress) { fs.writeFileSync(path, minifyJs(path)); } callback(); }); } function bundleVendorJs(compress) { let b = browserify(); for (let lib of external_js) { b.require(lib); } if (!process.argv.includes('--no-transpile')) { b.add(require.resolve('babel-polyfill')); } const file = './public/js/vendor.min.js'; writeJsBundle(b, file, compress, () => { if (process.argv.includes('--gzip')) { gzipFile(file); } console.info('Bundled vendor JS'); }); } function bundleAppJs(b, compress, callback) { const file = './public/js/app.min.js'; writeJsBundle(b, file, compress, () => { if (process.argv.includes('--gzip')) { gzipFile(file); } console.info('Bundled app JS'); callback(); }); } function bundleJs() { if (!process.argv.includes('--no-vendor-js')) { bundleVendorJs(true); } if (!process.argv.includes('--no-app-js')) { let watchify = require('watchify'); let b = browserify({ debug: process.argv.includes('--debug') }); if (!process.argv.includes('--no-transpile')) { b = b.transform('babelify'); } b = b.external(external_js).add(glob.sync('./js/**/*.js')); const compress = !process.argv.includes('--debug'); bundleAppJs(b, compress, () => { }); } } const environment = process.argv.includes('--watch') ? "development" : "production"; function bundleConfig() { function getVersion() { let build_info = process.env.BUILD_INFO; if (!build_info) { try { build_info = execSync('git describe --always --dirty --long --tags').toString(); } catch (e) { console.warn('Cannot find build version'); build_info = 'unknown'; } } return build_info.trim(); } const config = { meta: { version: getVersion(), buildDate: new Date().toUTCString() }, environment: environment }; fs.writeFileSync('./js/.config.autogen.json', JSON.stringify(config)); console.info('Generated config file'); } function bundleBinaryAssets() { fs.copyFileSync('./img/favicon.png', './public/img/favicon.png'); console.info('Copied images'); fs.copyFileSync('./fonts/open_sans.woff2', './public/fonts/open_sans.woff2') for (let file of glob.sync('./node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/*.*')) { if (fs.lstatSync(file).isDirectory()) { continue; } fs.copyFileSync(file, path.join('./public/fonts/', path.basename(file))); } if (process.argv.includes('--gzip')) { for (let file of glob.sync('./public/fonts/*.*')) { if (file.endsWith('woff2')) { continue; } gzipFile(file); } } console.info('Copied fonts') } function bundleWebAppFiles() { const Jimp = require('jimp'); fs.writeFileSync('./public/manifest.json', JSON.stringify(app_manifest)); console.info('Generated app manifest'); Promise.all(webapp_icons.map(icon => { return Jimp.read('./img/app.png') .then(file => { file.resize(icon.size, Jimp.AUTO, Jimp.RESIZE_BEZIER) .write(path.join('./public/img/', icon.name)); }); })) .then(() => { console.info('Generated webapp icons'); }); Promise.all(webapp_splash_screens.map(dim => { return Jimp.read('./img/splash.png') .then(file => { file.resize(dim.center, Jimp.AUTO, Jimp.RESIZE_BEZIER) .background(0xFFFFFFFF) .contain(dim.w, dim.center, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE) .contain(dim.w, dim.h, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE) .write(path.join('./public/img/', 'apple-touch-startup-image-' + dim.w + 'x' + dim.h + '.png')); }); })) .then(() => { console.info('Generated splash screens'); }); } function makeOutputDirs() { const dirs = [ './public', './public/css', './public/fonts', './public/img', './public/js' ]; for (let dir of dirs) { if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) { fs.mkdirSync(dir, 0o755); console.info('Created directory: ' + dir); } } } function watch() { let wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 }); const liveReload = !process.argv.includes('--no-live-reload'); function emitReload() { if (liveReload) { console.log("Requesting live reload.") wss.clients.forEach((client) => { if (client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { client.send("reload"); } }); } } chokidar.watch('./fonts/**/*').on('change', () => { try { bundleBinaryAssets(); emitReload(); } catch (e) { console.error(pe.render(e)); } }); chokidar.watch('./img/**/*').on('change', () => { try { bundleWebAppFiles(); emitReload(); } catch (e) { console.error(pe.render(e)); } }); chokidar.watch('./html/**/*.tpl').on('change', () => { try { bundleHtml(); } catch (e) { console.error(pe.render(e)); } }); chokidar.watch('./css/**/*.styl').on('change', () => { try { bundleCss() emitReload(); } catch (e) { console.error(pe.render(e)); } }); bundleBinaryAssets(); bundleWebAppFiles(); bundleCss(); bundleHtml(); bundleVendorJs(true); let watchify = require('watchify'); let b = browserify({ debug: process.argv.includes('--debug'), entries: ['js/main.js'], cache: {}, packageCache: {}, }); b.plugin(watchify); if (!process.argv.includes('--no-transpile')) { b = b.transform('babelify'); } b = b.external(external_js).add(glob.sync('./js/**/*.js')); const compress = false; function bundle(id) { console.info("Rebundling app JS..."); let start = new Date(); bundleAppJs(b, compress, () => { let end = new Date() - start; console.info('Rebundled in %ds.', end / 1000) emitReload(); }); } b.on('update', bundle); bundle(); } // ------------------------------------------------- console.log("Building for '" + environment + "' environment."); makeOutputDirs(); bundleConfig(); if (process.argv.includes('--watch')) { watch(); } else { if (!process.argv.includes('--no-binary-assets')) { bundleBinaryAssets(); } if (!process.argv.includes('--no-web-app-files')) { bundleWebAppFiles(); } if (!process.argv.includes('--no-html')) { bundleHtml(); } if (!process.argv.includes('--no-css')) { bundleCss(); } if (!process.argv.includes('--no-js')) { bundleJs(); } }