Anonymous tokens

Filter posts tagged with given <value>.

Named tokens

id having specific post ID
score having given score
uploader uploaded by given user
comment commented by given user
fav favorited by given user
fav-count favorited by given number of users
comment-count having given number of comments
tag-count having given number of tags
note-count having given number of annotations
feature-count having been featured given number of times
date posted at given date
file-size having given file size (in bytes)
image-width having given image width (where applicable)
image-height having given image height (where applicable)
image-area having given number of pixels (image width * image height)
type given type of posts (<value> can be either image, flash/swf, youtube/yt, video or animation)

Order tokens

random as random as it can get
id highest to lowest post ID
score highest scored
fav-count loved by most
comment-count most commented first
tag-count with most tags
note-count with most annotations
file-size largest files first
image-width widest images first
image-height tallest images first
image-area largest images first
creation-date newest to oldest (pretty much same as id)
edit-date like creation-date, only looks at last edit time
fav-date recently added to favorites by anyone
comment-date recently commented by anyone
feature-date recently featured
feature-count most often featured

Special tokens

liked posts liked by currently logged in user
disliked posts disliked by currently logged in user
fav posts added to favorites by currently logged in user
tumbleweed posts with score of 0, without comments and without favorites