'use strict'; require('../util/polyfill.js'); const api = require('../api.js'); const templates = require('../templates.js'); const tags = require('../tags.js'); const domParser = new DOMParser(); const misc = require('./misc.js'); function _imbueId(options) { if (!options.id) { options.id = 'gen-' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7); } } function _makeLabel(options, attrs) { if (!options.text) { return ''; } if (!attrs) { attrs = {}; } attrs.for = options.id; return makeNonVoidElement('label', attrs, options.text); } function makeFileSize(fileSize) { return misc.formatFileSize(fileSize); } function makeMarkdown(text) { return misc.formatMarkdown(text); } function makeRelativeTime(time) { return makeNonVoidElement( 'time', {datetime: time, title: time}, misc.formatRelativeTime(time)); } function makeThumbnail(url) { return makeNonVoidElement( 'span', { class: 'thumbnail', style: `background-image: url(\'${url}\')`, }, makeVoidElement('img', {alt: 'thumbnail', src: url})); } function makeRadio(options) { _imbueId(options); return makeVoidElement( 'input', { id: options.id, name: options.name, value: options.value, type: 'radio', checked: options.selectedValue === options.value, required: options.required, }) + _makeLabel(options, {class: 'radio'}); } function makeCheckbox(options) { _imbueId(options); return makeVoidElement( 'input', { id: options.id, name: options.name, value: options.value, type: 'checkbox', checked: options.checked !== undefined ? options.checked : false, required: options.required, }) + _makeLabel(options, {class: 'checkbox'}); } function makeSelect(options) { return _makeLabel(options) + makeNonVoidElement( 'select', { id: options.id, name: options.name, disabled: options.readonly, }, Object.keys(options.keyValues).map(key => { return makeNonVoidElement( 'option', {value: key, selected: key === options.selectedKey}, options.keyValues[key]); }).join('')); } function makeInput(options) { options.value = options.value || ''; return _makeLabel(options) + makeVoidElement('input', options); } function makeButton(options) { options.type = 'button'; return makeInput(options); } function makeTextInput(options) { options.type = 'text'; return makeInput(options); } function makePasswordInput(options) { options.type = 'password'; return makeInput(options); } function makeEmailInput(options) { options.type = 'email'; return makeInput(options); } function makeColorInput(options) { const textInput = makeVoidElement( 'input', { type: 'text', value: options.value || '', required: options.required, style: 'color: ' + options.value, disabled: true, }); const colorInput = makeVoidElement( 'input', { type: 'color', value: options.value || '', }); return makeNonVoidElement( 'label', {class: 'color'}, colorInput + textInput); } function makePostLink(id) { const text = '@' + id; return api.hasPrivilege('posts:view') ? makeNonVoidElement('a', {'href': '/post/' + id}, text) : text; } function makeTagLink(name) { const tag = tags.getTagByName(name); const category = tag ? tag.category : 'unknown'; return api.hasPrivilege('tags:view') ? makeNonVoidElement( 'a', { 'href': '/tag/' + name, 'class': 'tag-' + category, }, name) : makeNonVoidElement( 'span', { 'class': 'tag-' + category, }, name); } function makeUserLink(user) { const text = makeThumbnail(user.avatarUrl) + user.name; const link = api.hasPrivilege('users:view') ? makeNonVoidElement('a', {'href': '/user/' + user.name}, text) : text; return makeNonVoidElement('span', {class: 'user'}, link); } function makeFlexboxAlign(options) { return Array.from(misc.range(20)) .map(() => '<li class="flexbox-dummy"></li>').join(''); } function makeAccessKey(html, key) { const regex = new RegExp('(' + key + ')', 'i'); html = html.replace( regex, '<span class="access-key" data-accesskey="$1">$1</span>'); return html; } function _serializeElement(name, attributes) { return [name] .concat(Object.keys(attributes).map(key => { if (attributes[key] === true) { return key; } else if (attributes[key] === false || attributes[key] === undefined) { return ''; } return `${key}="${attributes[key]}"`; })) .join(' '); } function makeNonVoidElement(name, attributes, content) { return `<${_serializeElement(name, attributes)}>${content}</${name}>`; } function makeVoidElement(name, attributes) { return `<${_serializeElement(name, attributes)}/>`; } function showMessage(target, message, className) { if (!message) { message = 'Unknown message'; } const messagesHolder = target.querySelector('.messages'); if (!messagesHolder) { return false; } /* TODO: animate this */ const node = document.createElement('div'); node.innerHTML = message.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'); node.classList.add('message'); node.classList.add(className); const wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.classList.add('message-wrapper'); wrapper.appendChild(node); messagesHolder.appendChild(wrapper); return true; } function showError(target, message) { return showMessage(target, message, 'error'); } function showSuccess(target, message) { return showMessage(target, message, 'success'); } function showInfo(target, message) { return showMessage(target, message, 'info'); } function clearMessages(target) { const messagesHolder = target.querySelector('.messages'); /* TODO: animate that */ while (messagesHolder.lastChild) { messagesHolder.removeChild(messagesHolder.lastChild); } } function htmlToDom(html) { const parsed = domParser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html').body; return parsed.childNodes.length > 1 ? parsed.childNodes : parsed.firstChild; } function getTemplate(templatePath) { if (!(templatePath in templates)) { throw `Missing template: ${templatePath}`; } const templateFactory = templates[templatePath]; return ctx => { if (!ctx) { ctx = {}; } Object.assign(ctx, { makeRelativeTime: makeRelativeTime, makeFileSize: makeFileSize, makeMarkdown: makeMarkdown, makeThumbnail: makeThumbnail, makeRadio: makeRadio, makeCheckbox: makeCheckbox, makeSelect: makeSelect, makeInput: makeInput, makeButton: makeButton, makeTextInput: makeTextInput, makePasswordInput: makePasswordInput, makeEmailInput: makeEmailInput, makeColorInput: makeColorInput, makePostLink: makePostLink, makeTagLink: makeTagLink, makeUserLink: makeUserLink, makeFlexboxAlign: makeFlexboxAlign, makeAccessKey: makeAccessKey, }); return htmlToDom(templateFactory(ctx)); }; } function decorateValidator(form) { // postpone showing form fields validity until user actually tries // to submit it (seeing red/green form w/o doing anything breaks POLA) let submitButton = form.querySelector('.buttons input'); if (!submitButton) { submitButton = form.querySelector('input[type=submit]'); } if (submitButton) { submitButton.addEventListener('click', e => { form.classList.add('show-validation'); }); } form.addEventListener('submit', e => { form.classList.remove('show-validation'); }); } function disableForm(form) { for (let input of form.querySelectorAll('input')) { input.disabled = true; } } function enableForm(form) { for (let input of form.querySelectorAll('input')) { input.disabled = false; } } function replaceContent(target, source) { while (target.lastChild) { target.removeChild(target.lastChild); } if (source instanceof NodeList) { for (let child of source) { target.appendChild(child); } } else if (source instanceof Node) { target.appendChild(source); } else if (source !== null) { throw `Invalid view source: ${source}`; } } function scrollToHash() { window.setTimeout(() => { if (!window.location.hash) { return; } const el = document.getElementById( window.location.hash.replace(/#/, '')); if (el) { el.scrollIntoView(); } }, 10); } function slideDown(element) { const duration = 500; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const height = element.getBoundingClientRect().height; element.style.maxHeight = '0'; element.style.overflow = 'hidden'; window.setTimeout(() => { element.style.transition = `all ${duration}ms ease`; element.style.maxHeight = `${height}px`; }, 50); window.setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }, duration); }); } function slideUp(element) { const duration = 500; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const height = element.getBoundingClientRect().height; element.style.overflow = 'hidden'; element.style.maxHeight = `${height}px`; element.style.transition = `all ${duration}ms ease`; window.setTimeout(() => { element.style.maxHeight = 0; }, 10); window.setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }, duration); }); } function monitorNodeRemoval(monitoredNode, callback) { const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver( mutations => { for (let mutation of mutations) { for (let node of mutation.removedNodes) { if (node.contains(monitoredNode)) { mutationObserver.disconnect(); callback(); return; } } } }); mutationObserver.observe( document.body, {childList: true, subtree: true}); } document.addEventListener('input', e => { const type = e.target.getAttribute('type'); if (type && type.toLowerCase() === 'color') { const textInput = e.target.parentNode.querySelector('input[type=text]'); textInput.style.color = e.target.value; textInput.value = e.target.value; } }); module.exports = { htmlToDom: htmlToDom, getTemplate: getTemplate, replaceContent: replaceContent, enableForm: enableForm, disableForm: disableForm, clearMessages: clearMessages, decorateValidator: decorateValidator, makeVoidElement: makeVoidElement, makeNonVoidElement: makeNonVoidElement, scrollToHash: scrollToHash, slideDown: slideDown, slideUp: slideUp, monitorNodeRemoval: monitorNodeRemoval, showError: showError, showSuccess: showSuccess, showInfo: showInfo, };