$value) { $token = '{' . $key . '}'; $text = str_replace($token, $value, $text); } return $text; } public static function kebabCaseToCamelCase($string) { $string = preg_split('/-/', $string); $string = array_map('trim', $string); $string = array_map('ucfirst', $string); $string = join('', $string); return $string; } public static function camelCaseToKebabCase($string) { $string = preg_replace_callback('/[A-Z]/', function($x) { return '-' . strtolower($x[0]); }, $string); $string = trim($string, '-'); return $string; } public static function resolveConstant($constantName, $className = null) { $constantName = self::kebabCaseToCamelCase($constantName); //convert from kebab-case to CamelCase if ($className !== null) { $constantName = $className . '::' . $constantName; } if (!defined($constantName)) { throw new Exception('Undefined constant: ' . $constantName); } return constant($constantName); } private static function useUnits($number, $base, $suffixes) { $suffix = array_shift($suffixes); if ($number < $base) { return sprintf('%d%s', $number, $suffix); } do { $suffix = array_shift($suffixes); $number /= (float) $base; } while ($number >= $base and !empty($suffixes)); return sprintf('%.01f%s', $number, $suffix); } public static function useBytesUnits($number) { return self::useUnits($number, 1024, ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G']); } public static function useDecimalUnits($number) { return self::useUnits($number, 1000, ['', 'K', 'M']); } }