rr- 0dc7a4058e client/posts: refactor bulk tag editor
Extract the state that controls mass tag form in the posts list header
to a separate class.

It's not exactly a 100% reusable control (the .tpl is shared), but it
should greatly simplify reading the JS.
2017-02-11 21:58:26 +01:00

23 lines
1.4 KiB

<div class='post-list-header'><%
%><form class='horizontal search'><%
%><%= ctx.makeTextInput({text: 'Search query', id: 'search-text', name: 'search-text', value: ctx.parameters.query}) %><%
%><input class='mousetrap' type='submit' value='Search'/><%
%><input data-safety=safe type='button' class='mousetrap safety safety-safe <%- ? '' : 'disabled' %>'/><%
%><input data-safety=sketchy type='button' class='mousetrap safety safety-sketchy <%- ctx.settings.listPosts.sketchy ? '' : 'disabled' %>'/><%
%><input data-safety=unsafe type='button' class='mousetrap safety safety-unsafe <%- ctx.settings.listPosts.unsafe ? '' : 'disabled' %>'/><%
%><a class='mousetrap button append' href='<%- ctx.formatClientLink('help', 'search', 'posts') %>'>Syntax help</a><%
%><% if (ctx.canBulkEditTags) { %><%
%><form class='horizontal bulk-edit-tags'><%
%><span class='append hint'>Tagging with:</span><%
%><a href class='mousetrap button append open'>Mass tag</a><%
%><%= ctx.makeTextInput({name: 'tag', value: ctx.parameters.tag}) %><%
%><input class='mousetrap start' type='submit' value='Start tagging'/><%
%><a href class='mousetrap button append close'>Stop tagging</a><%
%><% } %><%