46 lines
1.7 KiB
46 lines
1.7 KiB
import base64
from typing import Optional
from szurubooru import db, model, errors, rest
from szurubooru.func import auth, users
from szurubooru.rest.errors import HttpBadRequest
def _authenticate(username: str, password: str) -> model.User:
''' Try to authenticate user. Throw AuthError for invalid users. '''
user = users.get_user_by_name(username)
if not auth.is_valid_password(user, password):
raise errors.AuthError('Invalid password.')
return user
def _get_user(ctx: rest.Context) -> Optional[model.User]:
if not ctx.has_header('Authorization'):
return None
auth_type, credentials = ctx.get_header('Authorization').split(' ', 1)
if auth_type.lower() != 'basic':
raise HttpBadRequest(
'Only basic HTTP authentication is supported.')
username, password = base64.decodebytes(
credentials.encode('ascii')).decode('utf8').split(':', 1)
return _authenticate(username, password)
except ValueError as err:
msg = (
'Basic authentication header value are not properly formed. '
'Supplied header {0}. Got error: {1}')
raise HttpBadRequest(
msg.format(ctx.get_header('Authorization'), str(err)))
def process_request(ctx: rest.Context) -> None:
''' Bind the user to request. Update last login time if needed. '''
auth_user = _get_user(ctx)
if auth_user:
ctx.user = auth_user
if ctx.get_param_as_bool('bump-login', default=False) and ctx.user.user_id: