118 lines
4.8 KiB
118 lines
4.8 KiB
import sqlalchemy
from szurubooru import db, errors
from szurubooru.func import cache
from szurubooru.search import tokens, parser
def _format_dict_keys(source):
return list(sorted(source.keys()))
def _get_direction(direction, default_direction):
if direction == tokens.SortToken.SORT_DEFAULT:
return default_direction
if direction == tokens.SortToken.SORT_NEGATED_DEFAULT:
if default_direction == tokens.SortToken.SORT_ASC:
return tokens.SortToken.SORT_DESC
elif default_direction == tokens.SortToken.SORT_DESC:
return tokens.SortToken.SORT_ASC
assert False
return direction
class Executor(object):
Class for search parsing and execution. Handles plaintext parsing and
delegates sqlalchemy filter decoration to SearchConfig instances.
def __init__(self, search_config):
self.config = search_config
self.parser = parser.Parser()
def execute(self, query_text, page, page_size):
Parse input and return tuple containing total record count and filtered
key = (id(self.config), query_text, page, page_size)
if cache.has(key):
return cache.get(key)
search_query = self.parser.parse(query_text)
filter_query = self.config.create_filter_query()
filter_query = filter_query.options(sqlalchemy.orm.lazyload('*'))
filter_query = self._prepare_db_query(filter_query, search_query, True)
entities = filter_query \
.offset((page - 1) * page_size) \
.limit(page_size) \
count_query = self.config.create_count_query()
count_query = count_query.options(sqlalchemy.orm.lazyload('*'))
count_query = self._prepare_db_query(count_query, search_query, False)
count_statement = count_query \
.statement \
.with_only_columns([sqlalchemy.func.count()]) \
count = db.session.execute(count_statement).scalar()
ret = (count, entities)
cache.put(key, ret)
return ret
def execute_and_serialize(self, ctx, serializer):
query = ctx.get_param_as_string('query')
page = ctx.get_param_as_int('page', default=1, min=1)
page_size = ctx.get_param_as_int('pageSize', default=100, min=1, max=100)
count, entities = self.execute(query, page, page_size)
return {
'query': query,
'page': page,
'pageSize': page_size,
'total': count,
'results': [serializer(entity) for entity in entities],
def _prepare_db_query(self, db_query, search_query, use_sort):
''' Parse input and return SQLAlchemy query. '''
for token in search_query.anonymous_tokens:
if not self.config.anonymous_filter:
raise errors.SearchError(
'Anonymous tokens are not valid in this context.')
db_query = self.config.anonymous_filter(
db_query, token.criterion, token.negated)
for token in search_query.named_tokens:
if token.name not in self.config.named_filters:
raise errors.SearchError(
'Unknown named token: %r. Available named tokens: %r.' % (
db_query = self.config.named_filters[token.name](
db_query, token.criterion, token.negated)
for token in search_query.special_tokens:
if token.value not in self.config.special_filters:
raise errors.SearchError(
'Unknown special token: %r. Available special tokens: %r.' % (
db_query = self.config.special_filters[token.value](
db_query, token.negated)
if use_sort:
for token in search_query.sort_tokens:
if token.name not in self.config.sort_columns:
raise errors.SearchError(
'Unknown sort token: %r. Available sort tokens: %r.' % (
column, default_direction = self.config.sort_columns[token.name]
direction = _get_direction(token.direction, default_direction)
if direction == token.SORT_ASC:
db_query = db_query.order_by(column.asc())
elif direction == token.SORT_DESC:
db_query = db_query.order_by(column.desc())
db_query = self.config.finalize_query(db_query)
return db_query