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neobooru 80d272d60b server/config: Add 'domain' and 'smtp from' config entries
Fixes #193 and #256

This however requires users to manually set the domain in the config.yaml.
This field currently is optional, but it would probably be better to make it required and not fall back to HTTP_ORIGIN and HTTP_REFERER, which might be inaccurate or not set (especially behind reverse proxies and the like)

server/config: Leave domain empty by default

Co-Authored-By: Shyam Sunder <>
2019-07-22 20:26:09 -04:00

148 lines
5.3 KiB

# rather than editing this file, it is strongly suggested to create config.yaml
# and override only what you need.
# shown in the website title and on the front page
name: szurubooru
# full url to the homepage of this szurubooru site, with no trailing slash
domain: # example:
# user agent name used to download files from the web on behalf of the api users
# used to salt the users' password hashes
secret: change
# required for running the test suite
test_database: 'sqlite:///:memory:'
# Delete thumbnails and source files on post delete
# Original functionality is no, to mitigate the impacts of admins going
# on unchecked post purges.
delete_source_files: no
avatar_width: 300
avatar_height: 300
post_width: 300
post_height: 300
to_webm: false
to_mp4: false
# used to send password reset e-mails
host: # example: localhost
port: # example: 25
user: # example: bot
pass: # example: groovy123
from: # example:
# if host is left empty the password reset feature will be disabled, in which case it is
# recommended to fill contactEmail so that users know who to contact when they want to reset their password
contact_email: # example: Meant for manual password reset procedures
enable_safety: yes
tag_name_regex: ^\S+$
tag_category_name_regex: ^[^\s%+#/]+$
# don't make these more restrictive unless you want to annoy people; if you do
# customize them, make sure to update the instructions in the registration form
# template as well.
password_regex: '^.{5,}$'
user_name_regex: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,32}$'
default_rank: regular
'users:create:self': anonymous # Registration permission
'users:create:any': administrator
'users:list': regular
'users:view': regular
'users:edit:any:name': moderator
'users:edit:any:pass': moderator
'users:edit:any:email': moderator
'users:edit:any:avatar': moderator
'users:edit:any:rank': moderator
'users:edit:self:name': regular
'users:edit:self:pass': regular
'users:edit:self:email': regular
'users:edit:self:avatar': regular
'users:edit:self:rank': moderator # one can't promote themselves or anyone to upper rank than their own.
'users:delete:any': administrator
'users:delete:self': regular
'user_tokens:list:any': administrator
'user_tokens:list:self': regular
'user_tokens:create:any': administrator
'user_tokens:create:self': regular
'user_tokens:edit:any': administrator
'user_tokens:edit:self': regular
'user_tokens:delete:any': administrator
'user_tokens:delete:self': regular
'posts:create:anonymous': regular
'posts:create:identified': regular
'posts:list': anonymous
'posts:reverse_search': regular
'posts:view': anonymous
'posts:view:featured': anonymous
'posts:edit:content': power
'posts:edit:flags': regular
'posts:edit:notes': regular
'posts:edit:relations': regular
'posts:edit:safety': power
'posts:edit:source': regular
'posts:edit:tags': regular
'posts:edit:thumbnail': power
'posts:feature': moderator
'posts:delete': moderator
'posts:score': regular
'posts:merge': moderator
'posts:favorite': regular
'posts:bulk-edit:tags': power
'posts:bulk-edit:safety': power
'tags:create': regular
'tags:edit:names': power
'tags:edit:category': power
'tags:edit:description': power
'tags:edit:implications': power
'tags:edit:suggestions': power
'tags:list': regular
'tags:view': anonymous
'tags:merge': moderator
'tags:delete': moderator
'tag_categories:create': moderator
'tag_categories:edit:name': moderator
'tag_categories:edit:color': moderator
'tag_categories:list': anonymous
'tag_categories:view': anonymous
'tag_categories:delete': moderator
'tag_categories:set_default': moderator
'comments:create': regular
'comments:delete:any': moderator
'comments:delete:own': regular
'comments:edit:any': moderator
'comments:edit:own': regular
'comments:list': regular
'comments:view': regular
'comments:score': regular
'snapshots:list': power
'uploads:create': regular
#debug: 0 # generate server logs?
#show_sql: 0 # show sql in server logs?
#data_url: /data/
#data_dir: /var/www/data
## usage: schema://user:password@host:port/database_name
## example: postgres://szuru:dog@localhost:5432/szuru_test
#elasticsearch: # used for reverse image search
# host: localhost
# port: 9200
# index: szurubooru