Image board engine, Danbooru-style.
In the post list, when we navigate to the page with ">" button, we navigate to older posts. In the post view, when we navigate to the page with ">" button, we navigate to older posts as well. However, in the post list, the ">" button is called "next page". At the same time, in the post view, the ">" button was called "previous post". Now it's called "next post". The difference isn't visible to normal users nor even API consumers as the "get posts around post X" request isn't documented. The change is motivated not only by consistency, but to also improve compatibility with Vimperator's `[[` and `]]`. Vimperator assumes the word "next" refers to ">" and the word "previous" refers to "<". |
client | ||
server | ||
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config.yaml.dist | || | || | || |
Szurubooru is an image board engine inspired by services such as Danbooru, Gelbooru and Moebooru dedicated for small and medium communities. Its name has its roots in Polish language and has onomatopeic meaning of scraping or scrubbing. It is pronounced as shoorubooru.
- Post content: images (JPG, PNG, GIF, animated GIF), videos (MP4, WEBM), Flash animations
- Post comments
- Post notes / annotations, including arbitrary polygons
- Rich JSON REST API (see documentation)
- Rich search system
- Rich privilege system
- Autocomplete in search and while editing tags
- Tag categories
- Tag suggestions
- Tag implications (adding a tag automatically adds another)
- Tag aliases
- Duplicate detection
- Post rating and favoriting; comment rating
- Polished UI
- Browser configurable endless paging
- Browser configurable backdrop grid for transparent images
- Python
- Postgres
- FFmpeg
- node.js
See installation instructions.
Post list:
Post view: