Rather than having "creation time", "upload time", "registration time" etc. I think it is better to have a single "creation time" entity-agnostic property (like the one Tags had thus far).
307 lines
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307 lines
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var permaLink = '';
permaLink += window.location.origin + '/';
permaLink += window.location.pathname + '/';
permaLink += 'data/posts/' + post.name;
permaLink = permaLink.replace(/([^:])\/+/g, '$1/');
if (forceHttpInPermalinks > 0) {
permaLink = permaLink.replace('https', 'http');
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<h1>Tags (<%= _.size(post.tags) %>)</h1>
<ul class="tags">
<% _.each(post.tags, function(tag) { %>
<li class="tag-category-<%= tag.category %>"><!--
--><a class="tag-edit" href="#/tag/<%= tag.name %>"><!--
--><i class="fa fa-tag"></i><!--
--><a class="post-search" href="#/posts/query=<%= tag.name %>"><!--
--><span class="tag-name"><%= tag.name %></span><!--
--><span class="usages"><%= (tag.usages) %></span>
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<span class="author-name">
<%= post.user.name || 'Anonymous user' %>
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<span class="date" title="<%= util.formatAbsoluteTime(post.creationTime) %>">
<%= util.formatRelativeTime(post.creationTime) %>
<ul class="other-info">
<span class="safety-<%= post.safety %>">
<%= post.safety %>
<% if (post.originalFileSize) { %>
File size:
<%= util.formatFileSize(post.originalFileSize) %>
<% } %>
<% if (post.contentType == 'image') { %>
Image size:
<%= post.imageWidth + 'x' + post.imageHeight %>
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<% if (post.lastEditTime !== post.creationTime) { %>
<span title="<%= util.formatAbsoluteTime(post.lastEditTime) %>">
<%= util.formatRelativeTime(post.lastEditTime) %>
<% } %>
<% if (post.featureCount > 0) { %>
Featured: <%= post.featureCount %> <%= post.featureCount < 2 ? 'time' : 'times' %>
<small>(<%= util.formatRelativeTime(post.lastFeatureTime) %>)</small>
<% } %>
<% if (post.source) { %>
--><% var link = post.source.match(/^(\/\/|https?:\/\/)/); %><!--
-->Source: <!--
--><% if (link) { %><!--
--><a href="<%= post.source %>"><!--
--><% } %><!--
--><%= post.source.trim() %><!--
--><% if (link) { %><!--
--><% } %><!--
<% } %>
Score: <%= post.score %>
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<img class="fav-avatar"
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alt="<%= user.name || 'Anonymous user' %>"/>
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<div class="post-history-wrapper">
<%= historyTemplate({
history: postHistory,
util: util,
}) %>
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