
255 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using static System.Console;
using static System.Threading.Thread;
namespace cce {
class Transcoder {
static internal string result = "";
static private List<string> extended_dict = null;
static private List<string> common_dict = null;
static private Dictionary<char, char> substitution = new Dictionary<char, char>{
{'a','a' },
{'b','t' },
{'c','y' },
{'d','p' },
{'e','e' },
{'f','t' },
{'g','j' },
{'h','k' },
{'i','i' },
{'j','t' },
{'k','k' },
{'l','p' },
{'m','s' },
{'n','t' },
{'o','o' },
{'p','k' },
{'q','r' },
{'r','t' },
{'s','y' },
{'t','p' },
{'u','u' },
{'v','t' },
{'w','j' },
{'x','k' },
{'y','y' },
{'z','b' }
static private Dictionary<char, string> decode_key = new Dictionary<char, string>{
{'a',"a" },
{'y',"csy" },
{'p',"dlt" },
{'e',"e" },
{'j',"gw" },
{'k',"hkpx" },
{'i',"i" },
{'s',"m" },
{'o',"o" },
{'r',"q" },
{'u',"u" },
{'b',"z" }
static internal void Teacher() {
var pos = CursorTop;
Write("Please enter the encrypted word: ");
var cyphered = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
if (cyphered == "") return;
CursorTop = pos;
string translation = "";
while (true) {
Write($"Please enter a translation for \"{cyphered}\": ");
translation = ReadLine().ToLower();
if (raw_encode(cyphered).ToLower() == cyphered) {
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
WriteLine("Cypher Match!"); ResetColor(); break;
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
WriteLine("Words don't match");
var entered = false;
char cki;
do {
Utils.LagWrite(@"Where do you want to save the translation?
[1] Common words dictionary
[2] Extended words dictionary
>>> ".Replace("\r\n", "\n"));
cki = ReadKey().KeyChar;
if (extended_dict == null || common_dict == null) init();
switch (cki) {
case '1':
if (common_dict.Contains(translation)) {
WriteLine("Error: Unable to add a new translation. Translation already present.");
} else common_dict.Add(translation);
entered = true;
case '2':
if (extended_dict.Contains(translation)) {
WriteLine("Error: Unable to add a new translation. Translation already present.");
} else extended_dict.Add(translation);
entered = true;
CursorLeft--; WriteLine("Not a valid option");
} while (!entered);
Console.BackgroundColor = cki == '1' ? ConsoleColor.Green : ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
WriteLine("Translation Added"); ResetColor();
static internal void Encode(List<string> entry, out string encrypted) {
var temp = new List<string>();
WriteLine("Transcoding:\n{0}\n", String.Join("\n", entry));
for (int i = 0; i < entry.Count; i++) {
result = raw_encode(entry[i]);
if(entry.Count>1) WriteLine();
encrypted = String.Join("\n", temp);
static internal void Decode(List<string> lines) {
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) {
if (lines.Count <= 1 || i == lines.Count-1) break;
SetCursorPosition(0, WindowHeight - 2);
Write("Press Enter to write the next line");
while (true) {
var cki = ReadKey();
if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) break;
static private void update() {
var dict = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
File.WriteAllText(AppSettings.Dictionary, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dict));
static private string raw_encode(string entry) {
var sentence = entry.ToLower();
char[] encoded = new char[entry.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < sentence.Length; i++) {
if (substitution.TryGetValue(sentence[i], out char substituted)) {
encoded[i] = Char.IsUpper(entry[i]) ? Char.ToUpper(substituted) : Char.ToLower(substituted);
} else {
encoded[i] = entry[i];
return String.Join("", encoded);
static private void raw_decode(string entry) {
var sentence = entry.ToLower();
//120x30, buffer 240x60
if (sentence.Length >= 120) { BufferWidth = sentence.Length * 2; WindowWidth = sentence.Length + 20; }
CursorVisible = false;
var checker = init();
if (!checker) {
WriteLine("Unable to load dictionaries");
var cleaned = new char[sentence.Length];
var symbols = new char[sentence.Length];
var writeout = new char[sentence.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < sentence.Length; i++) {
if (sentence[i] >= 'a' && sentence[i] <= 'z') { cleaned[i] = sentence[i]; symbols[i] = 'x'; writeout[i] = '_'; } else { writeout[i] = symbols[i] = sentence[i]; cleaned[i] = ' '; }
var decode = string.Join("", cleaned).ToLower().Split(' ');
//var decoded = new List<List<string>>();
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.Write(" "); ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine(" Frequent Words");
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
Console.Write(" "); ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine(" Infrequent Words");
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Write(" "); ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine(" Letter decypher");
WriteLine("Transcoding:\n{0}\n", entry);
int memTop = CursorTop;
int left = 0;
Write(string.Join("", writeout));
for (int i = 0; i < decode.Length; i++) {
if (symbols[left] != 'x') left++;
CursorTop = memTop;
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
wordwrite(common_dict, decode[i], entry, left);
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
wordwrite(extended_dict, decode[i], entry, left);
List<List<char>> letter_decode = new List<List<char>>();
for (int j = 0; j < decode[i].Length; j++) {
if (decode_key.TryGetValue(decode[i][j], out string substituted)) {
var letterlist = new List<char>();
for (int h = 0; h < substituted.Length; h++) {
else {
letter_decode.Add(new List<char> { sentence[j] });
int top = CursorTop;
int letterleft = left;
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
for (int j = 0; j < letter_decode.Count; j++) {
for (int h = 0; h < letter_decode[j].Count; h++) {
CursorLeft = letterleft;
Write(Char.IsUpper(entry[CursorLeft]) ? Char.ToUpper(letter_decode[j][h]) : Char.ToLower(letter_decode[j][h]));
CursorTop = top;
left += decode[i].Length;
//return string.Join(" ", decoded);
static internal bool init() {
if (common_dict != null && extended_dict != null) return true;
var checker = true;
var dict = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
WriteLine("[Loading Dictionary]");
if (File.Exists(AppSettings.Dictionary)) dict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, List<string>>>(File.ReadAllText(AppSettings.Dictionary));
else { WriteLine("File missing"); checker = false; }
common_dict = dict["common"];
extended_dict = dict["extended"];
return checker;
static private void uniquere() {
foreach (var item in common_dict) {
if (extended_dict.Contains(item)) extended_dict.Remove(item);
static private void wordwrite(List<string> collection, string decode, string entry,int left) {
foreach (var item in collection) {
var trans = raw_encode(item);
if (trans == decode) {
CursorLeft = left;
for (int j = 0; j < item.Length; j++) {
Write(Char.IsUpper(entry[CursorLeft]) ? Char.ToUpper(item[j]) : Char.ToLower(item[j]));
Utils.VarSleep(10, low: 20,high:100);