264 lines
6.7 KiB
264 lines
6.7 KiB
# hast-util-from-dom
[hast][] utility to transform from a [DOM][] tree.
## Contents
* [What is this?](#what-is-this)
* [When should I use this?](#when-should-i-use-this)
* [Install](#install)
* [Use](#use)
* [API](#api)
* [`fromDom(tree, options?)`](#fromdomtree-options)
* [`AfterTransform`](#aftertransform)
* [`Options`](#options)
* [Types](#types)
* [Compatibility](#compatibility)
* [Security](#security)
* [Contribute](#contribute)
* [Related](#related)
* [License](#license)
## What is this?
This package is a utility that takes a DOM tree (from the actual DOM or from
things like [`jsdom`][jsdom]) as input and turns it into a [hast][] (HTML)
syntax tree.
## When should I use this?
You can use this project when you want to use hast in browsers.
This package is very small, but it does so by:
* …not providing positional information
* …potentially yielding varying results in different (especially older)
The hast utility [`hast-util-to-dom`][hast-util-to-dom] does the inverse of this
It turns hast into a DOM tree.
The rehype plugin [`rehype-dom-parse`][rehype-dom-parse] wraps this utility to
parse HTML with DOM APIs.
## Install
This package is [ESM only][esm].
In Node.js (version 16+), install with [npm][]:
npm install hast-util-from-dom
In Deno with [`esm.sh`][esmsh]:
import {fromDom} from 'https://esm.sh/hast-util-from-dom@5'
In browsers with [`esm.sh`][esmsh]:
<script type="module">
import {fromDom} from 'https://esm.sh/hast-util-from-dom@5?bundle'
## Use
Say our page `example.html` looks as follows:
<!doctype html>
<p><em>Hello</em>, world!</p>
<script type="module">
import {fromDom} from 'https://esm.sh/hast-util-from-dom@4?bundle'
const hast = fromDom(document.querySelector('main'))
Now running `open example.html` prints the following to the console:
{type: "element", tagName: "main", properties: {}, children: Array}
## API
This package exports the identifier [`fromDom`][api-from-dom].
There is no default export.
### `fromDom(tree, options?)`
Transform a DOM tree to a hast tree.
###### Parameters
* `tree` ([`DomNode`][dom-node])
— DOM tree to transform
* `options` ([`Options`][api-options], optional)
— configuration
###### Returns
Equivalent hast node ([`HastNode`][hast-node]).
### `AfterTransform`
Callback called when each node is transformed (TypeScript type).
###### Parameters
* `domNode` ([`DomNode`][dom-node])
— DOM node that was handled
* `hastNode` ([`HastNode`][hast-node])
— corresponding hast node
###### Returns
### `Options`
Configuration (TypeScript type).
##### Fields
* `afterTransform` ([`AfterTransform`][api-after-transform], optional)
— callback called when each node is transformed
##### Returns
## Types
This package is fully typed with [TypeScript][].
It exports the additional types [`AfterTransform`][api-after-transform] and
## Compatibility
Projects maintained by the unified collective are compatible with maintained
versions of Node.js.
When we cut a new major release, we drop support for unmaintained versions of
This means we try to keep the current release line, `hast-util-from-dom@^5`,
compatible with Node.js 16.
## Security
Use of `hast-util-from-dom` itself is safe but see other utilities for more
information on potential security problems.
## Contribute
See [`contributing.md`][contributing] in [`syntax-tree/.github`][health] for
ways to get started.
See [`support.md`][support] for ways to get help.
This project has a [code of conduct][coc].
By interacting with this repository, organisation, or community you agree to
abide by its terms.
## Related
* [`hast-util-from-html`][hast-util-from-html]
— parse hast from a string of HTML
* [`hast-util-sanitize`](https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-sanitize)
— sanitize hast nodes
* [`hast-util-to-html`](https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-to-html)
— serialize hast as HTML
* [`hast-util-to-dom`](https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-to-dom)
— create DOM trees from hast
## License
[ISC][license] © [Keith McKnight][author]
<!-- Definitions -->
[build-badge]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-from-dom/workflows/main/badge.svg
[build]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-from-dom/actions
[coverage-badge]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/syntax-tree/hast-util-from-dom.svg
[coverage]: https://codecov.io/github/syntax-tree/hast-util-from-dom
[downloads-badge]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/hast-util-from-dom.svg
[downloads]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/hast-util-from-dom
[size-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?label=minzipped%20size&query=$.size.compressedSize&url=https://deno.bundlejs.com/?q=hast-util-from-dom
[size]: https://bundlejs.com/?q=hast-util-from-dom
[sponsors-badge]: https://opencollective.com/unified/sponsors/badge.svg
[backers-badge]: https://opencollective.com/unified/backers/badge.svg
[collective]: https://opencollective.com/unified
[chat-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-discussions-success.svg
[chat]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist/discussions
[npm]: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install
[esm]: https://gist.github.com/sindresorhus/a39789f98801d908bbc7ff3ecc99d99c
[esmsh]: https://esm.sh
[typescript]: https://www.typescriptlang.org
[license]: license
[author]: https://keith.mcknig.ht
[health]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/.github
[contributing]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/.github/blob/main/contributing.md
[support]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/.github/blob/main/support.md
[coc]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/.github/blob/main/code-of-conduct.md
[hast]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast
[hast-node]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast#nodes
[dom]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Document_Object_Model
[dom-node]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Node
[hast-util-from-html]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-from-html
[hast-util-to-dom]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-to-dom
[rehype-dom-parse]: https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-dom/tree/main/packages/rehype-dom-parse
[jsdom]: https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom
[api-from-dom]: #fromdomtree-options
[api-options]: #options
[api-after-transform]: #aftertransform