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szurubooru uses REST API for all operations.

Table of contents

  1. General rules

  2. API reference

  3. Resources

  4. Search

General rules


Authentication is achieved by means of basic HTTP auth. For this reason, it is recommended to connect through HTTPS. There are no sessions, so every privileged request must be authenticated. Available privileges depend on the user's rank. The way how rank translates to privileges is defined in the server's configuration.

It is recommended to add ?bump-login GET parameter to the first request in a client "session" (where the definition of a session is up to the client), so that the user's last login time is kept up to date.

Basic requests

Every request must use Content-Type: application/json and Accept: application/json. An exception to this rule are requests that upload files.

File uploads

Requests that upload files must use multipart/form-data encoding. JSON metadata must then be included as field of name metadata, whereas files must be included as separate fields with names specific to each request type.

Error handling

All errors (except for unhandled fatal server errors) send relevant HTTP status code together with JSON of following structure:

    "title": "Generic title of error message, e.g. 'Not found'",
    "description": "Detailed description of what went wrong, e.g. 'User `rr-` not found."

API reference

Depending on the deployment, the URLs might be relative to some base path such as /api/. Values denoted with diamond braces (<like this>) signify variable data.

Listing tag categories

  • Request

    GET /tag-categories

  • Output

        "tagCategories": [

    ...where <tag-category> is a tag category resource.

  • Errors

    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Lists all tag categories. Doesn't use paging.

    Note: independently, the server exports current tag category list snapshots to the data directory under tags.json name. Its purpose is to reduce the trips frontend needs to make when doing autocompletion, and ease caching. The data directory and its URL are controlled with data_dir and data_url variables in server's configuration.

Creating tag category

  • Request

    POST /tag-categories

  • Input

        "name":  <name>,
        "color": <color>
  • Output

        "tagCategory": <tag-category>,
        "snapshots": [

    ...where <tag-category> is a tag category resource, and snapshots contain its earlier versions.

  • Errors

    • the name is used by an existing tag category (names are case insensitive)
    • the name is invalid or missing
    • the color is invalid or missing
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Creates a new tag category using specified parameters. Name must match tag_category_name_regex from server's configuration.

Updating tag category

  • Request

    PUT /tag-category/<name>

  • Input

        "name":  <name>,    // optional
        "color": <color>,   // optional
  • Output

        "tagCategory": <tag-category>,
        "snapshots": [

    ...where <tag-category> is a tag category resource, and snapshots contain its earlier versions.

  • Errors

    • the tag category does not exist
    • the name is used by an existing tag category (names are case insensitive)
    • the name is invalid
    • the color is invalid
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Updates an existing tag category using specified parameters. Name must match tag_category_name_regex from server's configuration. All fields are optional - update concerns only provided fields.

Getting tag category

  • Request

    GET /tag-category/<name>

  • Output

        "tagCategory": <tag-category>,
        "snapshots": [

    ...where <tag-category> is a tag category resource, and snapshots contain its earlier versions.

  • Errors

    • the tag category does not exist
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Retrieves information about an existing tag category.

Deleting tag category

  • Request

    DELETE /tag-category/<name>

  • Output

  • Errors

    • the tag category does not exist
    • the tag category is used by some tags
    • the tag category is the last tag category available
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Deletes existing tag category. The tag category to be deleted must have no usages.

Listing tags

  • Request

    GET /tags/?page=<page>&pageSize=<page-size>&query=<query>

  • Output

        "query":    <query>, // same as in input
        "page":     <page>,  // same as in input
        "pageSize": <page-size>,
        "total":    <total-count>,
        "tags": [

    ...where <tag> is a tag resource and query contains standard search query.

  • Errors

    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Searches for tags.

    Note: independently, the server exports current tag list snapshots to the data directory under tags.json name. Its purpose is to reduce the trips frontend needs to make when doing autocompletion, and ease caching. The data directory and its URL are controlled with data_dir and data_url variables in server's configuration.

    Anonymous tokens

    Same as name token.

    Named tokens

    <value> Description
    name having given name (accepts wildcards)
    category having given category
    creation-date created at given date
    creation-time alias of creation-date
    last-edit-date edited at given date
    last-edit-time alias of last-edit-date
    edit-date alias of last-edit-date
    edit-time alias of last-edit-date
    usages used in given number of posts
    usage-count alias of usages
    post-count alias of usages
    suggestion-count with given number of suggestions
    implication-count with given number of implications

    Sort style tokens

    <value> Description
    random as random as it can get
    name A to Z
    category category (A to Z)
    creation-date recently created first
    creation-time alias of creation-date
    last-edit-date recently edited first
    last-edit-time alias of creation-time
    edit-date alias of creation-time
    edit-time alias of creation-time
    usages used in most posts first
    usage-count alias of usages
    post-count alias of usages
    suggestion-count with most suggestions first
    implication-count with most implications first

    Special tokens


Creating tag

  • Request

    POST /tags

  • Input

        "names":        [<name1>, <name2>, ...],
        "category":     <category>,
        "implications": [<name1>, <name2>, ...],    // optional
        "suggestions":  [<name1>, <name2>, ...]     // optional
  • Output

        "tag": <tag>,
        "snapshots": [

    ...where <tag> is a tag resource, and snapshots contain its earlier versions.

  • Errors

    • any name is used by an existing tag (names are case insensitive)
    • any name, implication or is invalid
    • category is invalid
    • no name was specified
    • implications or suggestions contain any item from names (e.g. there's a shallow cyclic dependency)
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Creates a new tag using specified parameters. Names, suggestions and implications must match tag_name_regex from server's configuration. Category must exist and is the same as name field within <tag-category> resource. Suggestions and implications are optional. If specified implied tags or suggested tags do not exist yet, they will be automatically created. Tags created automatically have no implications, no suggestions, one name and their category is set to the first tag category found. If there are no tag categories established yet, an error will be thrown.

Updating tag

  • Request

    PUT /tags/<name>

  • Input

        "names":        [<name1>, <name2>, ...],    // optional
        "category":     <category>,                 // optional
        "implications": [<name1>, <name2>, ...],    // optional
        "suggestions":  [<name1>, <name2>, ...]     // optional
  • Output

        "tag": <tag>,
        "snapshots": [

    ...where <tag> is a tag resource, and snapshots contain its earlier versions.

  • Errors

    • the tag does not exist
    • any name is used by an existing tag (names are case insensitive)
    • any name, implication or suggestion name is invalid
    • category is invalid
    • implications or suggestions contain any item from names (e.g. there's a shallow cyclic dependency)
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Updates an existing tag using specified parameters. Names, suggestions and implications must match tag_name_regex from server's configuration. Category must exist and is the same as name field within <tag-category> resource. If specified implied tags or suggested tags do not exist yet, they will be automatically created. Tags created automatically have no implications, no suggestions, one name and their category is set to the first tag category found. All fields are optional - update concerns only provided fields.

Getting tag

  • Request

    GET /tag/<name>

  • Output

        "tag": <tag>,
        "snapshots": [

    ...where <tag> is a tag resource, and snapshots contain its earlier versions.

  • Errors

    • the tag does not exist
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Retrieves information about an existing tag.

Deleting tag

  • Request

    DELETE /tag/<name>

  • Output

  • Errors

    • the tag does not exist
    • the tag is used by some posts
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Deletes existing tag. The tag to be deleted must have no usages.

Merging tags

  • Request

    POST /tag-merge/

  • Input

        "remove":   <source-tag-name>,
        "merge-to": <target-tag-name>
  • Output

        "tag": <tag>,
        "snapshots": [

    ...where <tag> is the target tag resource, and snapshots contain its earlier versions.

  • Errors

    • the source or target tag does not exist
    • the source tag is the same as the target tag
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Removes source tag and merges all of its usages to the target tag. Source tag properties such as category, tag relations etc. do not get transferred and are discarded. The target tag effectively remains unchanged with the exception of the set of posts it's used in.

Listing tag siblings

  • Request

    GET /tag-siblings/<name>

  • Output

        "siblings": [
                "tag": <tag>,
                "occurrences": <occurrence-count>
                "tag": <tag>,
                "occurrences": <occurrence-count>

    ...where <tag> is a tag resource.

  • Errors

    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Lists siblings of given tag, e.g. tags that were used in the same posts as the given tag. occurrences field signifies how many times a given sibling appears with given tag. Results are sorted by occurrences count and the list is truncated to the first 50 elements. Doesn't use paging.

Listing users

  • Request

    GET /users/?page=<page>&pageSize=<page-size>&query=<query>

  • Output

        "query":    <query>, // same as in input
        "page":     <page>,  // same as in input
        "pageSize": <page-size>,
        "total":    <total-count>,
        "users": [

    ...where <user> is a user resource and query contains standard search query.

  • Errors

    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Searches for users.

    Anonymous tokens

    Same as name token.

    Named tokens

    <value> Description
    name having given name (accepts wildcards)
    creation-date registered at given date
    creation-time alias of creation-date
    last-login-date whose most recent login date matches given date
    last-login-time alias of last-login-date
    login-date alias of last-login-date
    login-time alias of last-login-date

    Sort style tokens

    <value> Description
    random as random as it can get
    name A to Z
    creation-date newest to oldest
    creation-time alias of creation-date
    last-login-date recently active first
    last-login-time alias of last-login-date
    login-date alias of last-login-date
    login-time alias of last-login-date

    Special tokens


Creating user

  • Request

    POST /users

  • Input

        "name": <user-name>,
        "password": <user-password>,
        "email": <email>,               // optional
        "rank": <rank>,                 // optional
        "avatarStyle": <avatar-style>   // optional
  • Files

    • avatar - the content of the new avatar (optional).
  • Output

        "user": <user>

    ...where <user> is a user resource.

  • Errors

    • a user with such name already exists (names are case insensitive)
    • either user name, password, email or rank are invalid
    • the user is trying to update their or someone else's rank to higher than their own
    • avatar is missing for manual avatar style
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Creates a new user using specified parameters. Names and passwords must match user_name_regex and password_regex from server's configuration, respectively. Email address, rank and avatar fields are optional. Avatar style can be either gravatar or manual. manual avatar style requires client to pass also avatar file - see file uploads for details. If the rank is empty and the user happens to be the first user ever created, they're granted highest available rank, becoming an administrator, whereas subsequent users will be given the rank indicated by default_rank in the server's configuration.

Updating user

  • Request

    PUT /user/<name>

  • Input

        "name": <user-name>,            // optional
        "password": <user-password>,    // optional
        "email": <email>,               // optional
        "rank": <rank>,                 // optional
        "avatarStyle": <avatar-style>   // optional
  • Files

    • avatar - the content of the new avatar (optional).
  • Output

        "user": <user>

    ...where <user> is a user resource.

  • Errors

    • the user does not exist
    • a user with new name already exists (names are case insensitive)
    • either user name, password, email or rank are invalid
    • the user is trying to update their or someone else's rank to higher than their own
    • avatar is missing for manual avatar style
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Updates an existing user using specified parameters. Names and passwords must match user_name_regex and password_regex from server's configuration, respectively. All fields are optional - update concerns only provided fields. To update last login time, see authentication. Avatar style can be either gravatar or manual. manual avatar style requires client to pass also avatar file - see file uploads for details.

Getting user

  • Request

    GET /user/<name>

  • Output

        "user": <user>

    ...where <user> is a user resource.

  • Errors

    • the user does not exist
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Retrieves information about an existing user.

Deleting user

  • Request

    DELETE /user/<name>

  • Output

  • Errors

    • the user does not exist
    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Deletes existing user.

Password reset - step 1: mail request

  • Request

    GET /password-reset/<email-or-name>

  • Output

  • Errors

    • the user does not exist
    • the user hasn't provided an email address
  • Description

    Sends a confirmation email to given user. The email contains link containing a token. The token cannot be guessed, thus using such link proves that the person who requested to reset the password also owns the mailbox, which is a strong indication they are the rightful owner of the account.

Password reset - step 2: confirmation

  • Request

    POST /password-reset/<email-or-name>

  • Input

        "token": <token-from-email>
  • Output

        "password": <new-password>
  • Errors

    • the token is missing
    • the token is invalid
    • the user does not exist
  • Description

    Generates a new password for given user. Password is sent as plain-text, so it is recommended to connect through HTTPS.

Listing snapshots

  • Request

    GET /snapshots/?page=<page>&pageSize=<page-size>&query=<query>

  • Output

        "query":    <query>, // same as in input
        "page":     <page>,  // same as in input
        "pageSize": <page-size>,
        "total":    <total-count>,
        "snapshots": [

    ...where <snapshot> is a snapshot resource and query contains standard search query.

  • Errors

    • privileges are too low
  • Description

    Lists recent resource snapshots.

    Anonymous tokens

    Not supported.

    Named tokens

    <value> Description
    type involving given resource type
    id involving given resource id
    date created at given date
    time alias of date
    operation changed, created or deleted
    user name of the user that created given snapshot

    Sort style tokens

    None. The snapshots are always sorted by creation time.

    Special tokens





A single user.


    "name":          <name>,
    "email":         <email>,
    "rank":          <rank>,
    "rankName":      <rank-name>,
    "lastLoginTime": <last-login-time>,
    "creationTime":  <creation-time>,
    "avatarStyle":   <avatar-style>,
    "avatarUrl":     <avatar-url>

Field meaning

  • <name>: the user name.

  • <email>: the user email. It is available only if the request is authenticated by the same user.

  • <rank>: the user rank, which effectively affects their privileges. The available ranks are stored in the server configuration.

  • <rank-name>: the text representation of user's rank. Like <rank>, the possible values depend on the server configuration.

  • <last-login-time>: the last login time, formatted as per RFC 3339.

  • <creation-time>: the user registration time, formatted as per RFC 3339.

  • <avatarStyle>: how to render the user avatar.

    Possible values:

    • "gravatar": the user uses Gravatar.
    • "manual": the user has uploaded a picture manually.
  • <avatarUrl>: the URL to the avatar.

Tag category


A single tag category. The primary purpose of tag categories is to distinguish certain tag types (such as characters, media type etc.), which improves user experience.


    "name":  <name>,
    "color": <color>

Field meaning

  • <name>: the category name.
  • <color>: the category color.



A single tag. Tags are used to let users search for posts.


    "names":        <names>,
    "category":     <category>,
    "implications": <implications>,
    "suggestions":  <suggestions>,
    "creationTime": <creation-time>,
    "lastEditTime": <last-edit-time>

Field meaning

  • <names>: a list of tag names (aliases). Tagging a post with any name will automatically assign the first name from this list.
  • <category>: the name of the category the given tag belongs to.
  • <implications>: a list of implied tag names. Implied tags are automatically appended by the web client on usage.
  • <suggestions>: a list of suggested tag names. Suggested tags are shown to the user by the web client on usage.
  • <creation-time>: time the tag was created, formatted as per RFC 3339.
  • <creation-time>: time the tag was edited, formatted as per RFC 3339.



A snapshot is a version of a database resource.


    "operation":    <operation>,
    "type":         <resource-type>
    "id":           <resource-id>,
    "user":         <user-name>,
    "data":         <data>,
    "earlier-data": <earlier-data>,
    "time":         <time>

Field meaning

  • <operation>: what happened to the resource.

    The value can be either of values below:

    • "created" - the resource has been created
    • "modified" - the resource has been modified
    • "deleted" - the resource has been deleted
  • <resource-type> and <resource-id>: the resource that was changed.

    The values are correlated as per table below:

    <resource-type> <resource-id>
    "tag" first tag name at given time
    "tag_category" tag category name at given time
    "post" post ID
  • <user-name>: name of the user who has made the change.

  • <data>: the snapshot data.

    The value can be either of structures below:

    • Tag category snapshot data (<resource-type> = "tag")


          "name":  "character",
          "color": "#FF0000"
    • Tag snapshot data (<resource-type> = "tag")


          "names":        ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
          "category":     "plain",
          "implications": ["imp1", "imp2", "imp3"],
          "suggestions":  ["sug1", "sug2", "sug3"]
  • <earlier-data>: <data> field from the last snapshot of the same resource. This allows the client to create visual diffs for any given snapshot without the need to know any other snapshots for a given resource.

  • <time>: when the snapshot was created (i.e. when the resource was changed), formatted as per RFC 3339.


Search queries are built of tokens that are separated by spaces. Each token can be of following form:

Syntax Token type Description
<value> anonymous tokens basic filters
<key>:<value> named tokens advanced filters
sort:<style> sort style tokens sort the results
special:<value> special tokens filters usually tied to the logged in user

Most of anonymous and named tokens support ranged and composite values that take following form:

<value> Description
a,b,c will show things that satisfy either a, b or c.
1.. will show things that are equal to or greater than 1.
..4 will show things that are equal to at most 4.
1..4 will show things that are equal to 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Ranged values can be also supplied by appending -min or -max to the key, for example like this: score-min:1.

Date/time values can be of following form:

  • today
  • yesterday
  • <year>
  • <year>-<month>
  • <year>-<month>-<day>

Some fields, such as user names, can take wildcards (*).


Searching for posts with following query:

sea -fav-count:8.. type:swf uploader:Pirate

will show flash files tagged as sea, that were liked by seven people at most, uploaded by user Pirate.